| Catholic Priest Who Allegedly Abused Boy Sent to Bristol Retreat near Primary School
By Lewis Pennock
Bristol Post
April 10, 2017
The priest was transferred from France to Saint Saviour's House after allegations emerged that he sexually abused a boy
A Catholic priest found guilty by his peers of sexually abusing a boy was transferred to a Bristol retreat near a primary school.
The unnamed priest, known as 'Father S' and formerly a member of the traditionalist Catholic splinter group the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), was accused of abusing a boy in 2006 while based in France.
The priest, who was found guilty of abuse at an internal SSPX trial, was transferred by the society to its Bristol ‘retreat house’, St Saviour’s House in Knowle , and made to undertake several years of therapy and counselling.
He reportedly spent six years at St Saviour’s House, in St Agnes Avenue, which is just a few hundred metres away from Knowle Park Primary School, before moving to London in 2012.
Details of the abuse allegations are reported in a Swedish documentary about an alleged mishandling of several sexual abuse charges by SSPX. It is claimed the international society knew of several abuse cases involving priests but failed to enforce a ‘zero tolerance’ policy.
Father S, who according to the documentary is now part of a different ultra-conservative Catholic society, has not been named because he was not found guilty by a criminal or civil court.
'Father S' was transferred to St Saviour's House in Knowle after allegations emerged that he sexually abused a boy (Photo: Dan Regan)
But Father Robert Brucciani, an SSPX spokesman, told the Bristol Post an internal investigation found ‘it looks like those allegations are true, they have some weight to them’.
Father Brucciani confirmed to the Bristol Post that Father S was transferred to St Saviour’s House, a ‘Retreat House of the District’, and underwent therapy after the allegations emerged.
The allegations of abuse by S, who was based in the eastern French city of Mulhouse at the time, were referred to civil authorities in France, but the case was closed without further action.
An official SSPX communique relating the allegations said the society ‘imposed on him a new residency in Bristol’, at St Saviour’s House, adding that he was ‘immediately suspended from any priestly ministry’.
“While [Father S] was there he was taking trips over to France to get his therapy,” Father Brucciani told the Bristol Post.
Saint Saviour's House, in Knowle, is a 'retreat house' owned by the international Society of Saint Pius X (Photo: Dan Regan)
The Post also contacted the retreat directly by telephone to ask questions about Father S’s transfer, but was told to contact the society in London.
The Swedish documentary said of Father S: “In 2006, while still an SSPX priest, he was accused of sexual abuse.
“He was isolated, underwent years of therapy and was banned from working as a priest. He was also brought before a church tribunal, but chose to leave the SSPX before the verdict was passed.”
According to the SSPX website, St Saviour’s House was originally an Anglican convent built in the late 1800s.
“It has an exquisite chapel and also includes residential appartments (sic) for faithful who wish to attend daily Mass and live close to the Blessed Sacrament,” the website adds.
SSPX also hosts Ignatian Retreats at St Saviour’s House, which are described as ‘what could be the final opportunity to cleanse our souls’.
Father S was sent to the retreat after the allegations emerged and ordered to travel to France regularly for therapy and counselling (Photo: Dan Regan)
The website describes how: “The first part of the retreat opens our eyes to the gap between our own comfortable assessment of our spiritual life and the reality of how we have bent God to suit our lifestyle rather than fitting our lifestyle to what God wants of us. Be warned that this can be a salutary experience!
“The second part of the retreat shows us how to make a resolution to love God more; taking the necessary steps to save our souls.”