| Religious Orders Pulled up on Child Protection
By Sean McCarthaigh
The Times
April 6, 2017
Brendan Smyth, the paedophile priest, was part of an order that has been criticised over safeguarding failures
Three religious orders whose members were linked to more than 500 allegations of child abuse have been criticised by a church oversight body for showing no discernible change in attitude to child protection until very recently.
The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland (NBSCCCI) said in a review published yesterday that the De La Salle Brothers, the Norbertines and the Sisters of Nazareth had demonstrated weak and occasionally poor practice in the implementation of child protection standards introduced in 2009. “Their performance in the recent past does not demonstrate any real change from their historical behaviour in terms of ensuring good safeguarding practice or putting in place effective pastoral responses to complainants who have made allegations of abuse,” the board…