Archbishop Robert Carlson

Berger's Beat
April 6, 2017

Elbert Walton, the erratic and just-suspended barrister, is identified in news reports as a former state rep who once got in trouble advising a county ambulance district. Few seem to recall, however, that 25 years ago he was considered a “shoo in” to become the city’s top prosecutor. He was the sole African-American running against several credible white hopefuls, including Jack Garvey, Nels Moss and Ed Sweeney. But in a shocking upset, Dee Joyce Hayes prevailed, becoming the city’s first female Circuit Attorney.

CONGRATS: Missouri’s Jenni Pinkelman who won Politico’s first ever NCAA basketball “Playbook Poll.”

Mary Grace Cusumano, who was honored on her 90th birthday at Kemoll’s. She is the matriarch of the venerable restaurant.

ARCHBISHOP Robert Carlson’s testimony in the trial of an accused predator priest this week marks the first time a local bishop – sitting or retired, archbishop or auxiliary bishop – has been forced to answer questions in court about alleged child molesting clerics. (The only other civil trial in this archdiocese was back in 1999 against Fr. James Gummersbach, jurors found for the victim.)

BLUNT SHRUGS: Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, an appropriator and the chairman of the Senate Commerce Aviation Subcommittee, said Tuesday that it was “helpful” to take a look at Nav Canada’s private air traffic control service while on a trip with Chao and Shuster last week. When asked what he thought about the Canadian system, Blunt replied, “Well, I knew what they were doing, but visually it’s always better to see it.”

BIG MONEY AT EVERY TURN – MAKING AMERICA GREAT, a non-profit group aligned with big GOP donor Rebekah Mercer, is dropping six figures on a digital advertising campaign to both tout President Trump’s administration’s accomplishments and pressure senators to confirm Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. The ad has gotten boosted spending in Missouri – a market where a Demo senator faces re-election in 2018.








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