| New Priest Named in New Lawsuits against Agana Archdiocese
By Krystal Paco
April 5, 2017
A new priest is named in two additional lawsuits filed against the Archdiocese of Agana. Father Andrew Mannetta was a priest at Santa Teresita Church in Mangilao when he allegedly molested former altar boys M.B. and G.G. in the late 1980s.
M.B. alleges the priest hosted sleepovers at the rectory where he would serve the boys alcohol and make them watch sexual movies. That's when the priest would isolate M.B. and sexually assault him.
G.G. was subject to abuse after the priest convinced his parents to move into the rectory. There he alleges he was sexually molested by Father Andy.
Both plaintiffs are represented by Attorney Anthony Perez who has teamed with Hawaii and mainland firms. In a release from attorney Perez's office, he states Father Andy is still at large and a risk to children and was moved from Guam to Hawaii and later New York. He's believed to presently reside in Connecticut.
M.B. and G.G. mark the 44th and 45th plaintiffs to sue the church since Guam law was changed to lift the statute of limitations for child sex abuse cases.
Their complaints were filed in the Superior Court of Guam on Wednesday.