Pa. Rep. Rozzi rallies for victims of child sex abuse

By Megan Park
April 03, 2017

[with video]

HARRISBURG, Pa. - A state lawmaker from Berks County is rallying before an important vote.

Rep. Mark Rozzi and other survivors of child sex abuse gathered on the steps of the state Capitol in Harrisburg on Monday in support of changing Pennsylvania's statute of limitations laws.

Rozzi called on lawmakers to support his new measure, which would allow victims of child sex abuse over the age of 30 to sue their abusers..

He's also asking lawmakers to reject a measure in the Pennsylvania Senate that does not include the same provision.

"We want to make it very clear that any bill that passes out without a retroactive provision for past victims of childhood sex abuse is a raw deal," Rozzi said.

Rozzi has previously tried to pass legislation with a retroactive provision. The House passed the measure last year, but the Senate did not. The Senate said it was concerned that the change was unconstitutional.



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