Group heading to Harrisburg rally to push for retroactivity in sex-abuse statute of limitations bill

By David Hurst
March 29, 2017

Advocates pushing for a proposal that would hold Pennsylvania child sex abusers accountable for crimes committed years ago are heading to Harrisburg next week to deliver a loud message to state lawmakers to support the plan.

That message: Anything that doesn’t hold past abusers accountable will only enable such acts to reoccurring, according to Shaun Dougherty, a Westmont resident who, in the past year, has identified himself as a victim of sex abuse by clergy in the 1980s.

“Without that retroactivity portion, any bill they pass is not a protective measure, it’s an enabler’s bill,” he said.

Dougherty is among a group of Pennsylvanians pushing for the change who are planning to hold a rally at the State Capitol Building’s front steps at 11:30 a.m. Monday.

They’ll be joined by a Harrisburg ally, state Rep. Mark Rozzi, a three-term Berks County Democrat and onetime sex abuse victim, whose House bill includes language adding a retroactive statute of limitations window.

A separate bill making rounds in the house, like Rozzi’s bill, contains measures protecting future abuse victims – but unlike Rozzi’s – would not address prior ones.

“I think the citizens of Pennsylvania have made it very clear that they want retroactivity included in this bill. And if it’s deemed unconstitutional like some (critics contend), let’s hear it from a judge,” Dougherty said.

Dougherty has rented a 56-seat bus to take anyone interested in supporting their cause to Harrisburg and back, free of charge, he said.

“We’re leaving from the Lodestar parking lot at 7:30 a.m. And I still have space left on the bus,” Dougherty said.

Those interested in joining can call 341-8386 to reserve a seat.




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