| Republic's Highest Court Rules in Favour of Brendan Smyth Victims in Damages Case
Irish News
March 27, 2017
Paedophile priest Father Brendan Smyth
A court in the Republic has said three victims of paedophile priest Brendan Smyth are entitled to a full hearing of a claim for damages.
The Supreme Court ruling came after the victims appealed a decision that they were bound by settlements of cases taken in the north.
The appeal was brought by a brother and sister and their cousin who were abused between 1969 and 1988.
In the late 1990s, the three settled actions at the High Court in Belfast.
They say they later learned through the media that the Catholic Church was aware of Smyth’s abuse in 1975 and launched fresh proceedings against Bishop Leo O'Reilly and Cardinal Sean Brady.
The actions were halted on the basis that the proceedings had previously been subject to "accord and satisfaction" in the north, with the Court of Appeal later upholding the High Court decision.
However, the Supreme Court overturned that yesterday and ruled the matter should go back to the High Court.