Small Churches Can't Pay Abuse Redress

By Megan Neil
The Australia
March 24, 2017

The small local churches that make up the bulk of Australia's largest Pentecostal movement do not have the funds to compensate victims of child sexual abuse, an inquiry has heard.

The more than 1000 affiliated churches of the Australian Christian Churches include the multi-million dollar global Hillsong Church, but the group's leader says most are not high-profile.

The child abuse royal commission heard the Australian Christian Churches is committed to providing all necessary and appropriate care for survivors of abuse, but each local church must consider its own approach to financial redress.

Australian Christian Churches national president Wayne Alcorn said the smaller churches were concerned about their ability to pay redress, although all the affiliates were committed to providing a quick response and support to survivors.

More than 70 per cent of the affiliates are churches with 200 people or less, and are unincorporated organisations.

"Many of them have very limited if any resources," Mr Alcorn told the commission on Friday.

"Few of them even have their own properties. Many of them meet and worship in local halls, schools, et cetera.

"Their capacity to contribute or commit to contributing a national scheme on the area of finances is one that is in question.

"Our heart is towards the survivors. It's just a matter of our capacity given what our constituency looks like."

Mr Alcorn said the Australian Christian Churches was in principle open to the planned Commonwealth redress scheme and there was no question about providing a pastoral response.

"I think there is genuine concern at most levels of the ACC, particularly on the ground of a small local church," he said.

"Many of these pastors are part-time and on small wages themselves. They are equally concerned about what this might mean and how they could actually contribute financially."

Hillsong founder and senior pastor Brian Houston said its safe church framework covered a lot of areas of redress, but it did not have a specific policy on financial redress.

"That doesn't mean that we're not open to it though," he added.

Hillsong general manager George Aghajanian said the church already offered initial direct engagement with a survivor and counselling, noting it was up to the board to make a decision on any monetary payment.

Mr Houston said Hillsong will consider joining the national redress scheme, but wants the full details.








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