Le pape François a-t-il tenté de couvrir un prêtre pédophile ?

Le Point
March 21, 2017

[Pope Francis and Clergy Sexual Abuse in Argentina Including a Database of Publicly Accused Argentine Clerics -]

[Has Pope Francis tried to cover a pedophile priest? An Argentinean judge admits having been pressured by the church to find innocent a priest accused of sexual abuse in 2010 while the pope was archbishop of Buenos Aires. According to Mediapart, while he was still archbishop of Buenos Aires Jorge Bergoglio actively participated in the defense of a famous South American priest who was accused of pedophile acts - Father Grassi. The case was revealed in 2002 by the program Telenoche Investiga and Julio Grassi is accused of assaulting minors of the foundation he created Felices Los Ninos. One of the victims, Gabriel, raped at the age of 15, reports that he has been threatened as a result of his testimony as Father Grassi is considered a real star in Buenos Aires. Father Grassi was finally sentenced to 9 years in prison in 2009. But for the lawyer of the victims, "the pope's attitude ... facilitated Grassi's impunity".]

Un juge argentin avoue avoir fait l'objet de pression de la part de l'Église pour innocenter un prêtre en 2010, alors que le pape était archevêque de Buenos Aires.



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