| Byrnes Sets Norms for Mass
By Haidee V Eugenio
Pacific Daily News
March 16, 2017
Archbishop Jude Michael Byrnes.
Archbishop Michael Jude Byrnes asked the Neocatechumenal Way to put a one-year pause on the formation of its new communities, and to celebrate Mass in accordance with the Catholic Church’s general instructions and norms.
That means celebrating Mass at a consecrated altar and consuming the Eucharist as soon as the person receives it.
The Neocatechumenal Way is a movement within the Catholic church whose practices sometimes are at odds with those of Guam's traditional Catholic community.
The archbishop issued a March 15 pastoral letter to try to balance concerns about the way in which the Neocatechumenal Way celebrates Mass in Catholic churches on Guam and the good that the group has done for many people on island.
Byrnes asked for a one-year pause on the formation of new Neocatechumenal Way communities. During that time, he intends to appoint a priest delegate to review the Neocatechumenal Way’s basic pastoral theology principles or teachings, ensure the group's catechists are sufficiently formed and certified, and help the archbishop discern the effects of these efforts.
No statement from the Neocatechumenal Way was received as of press time Thursday.
Byrnes, in his three-page pastoral letter, recognized “a growing sense of distress about the multiplication of small communities in some parishes and about some of the differences in the way the Mass is celebrated among the small communities of the Neocatechumenal Way.”
The Neocatechumenal Way does testimonials during the times when they want to begin a new community, said the Rev. Paul A.M. Gofigan, rector of the Dulce Nombre De Maria Cathedral-Basilica.
"Many have been very offended that the non-Neos have become a captive audience because these testimonials have been inserted into the Mass. In short, there is to be a pause for one year in their catechesis to new recruits," Gofigan said.
'Unifying the church'
Byrnes said his pastoral letter seeks to unify the Catholic Church.
“The sooner we have unity and universal adherence as an archdiocese to the norms established by the church in celebrating the body of Christ during the sacred celebration of the Mass, the sooner we shall be on the path to reconciling with one another and bring healing to our divided diocese,” Byrnes stated.
Byrnes said he recognizes the good the Neocatechumenal Way has brought to many people’s lives on Guam and elsewhere.
“I affirm that the Way has been recognized and approved by the Holy See. The need to build adherence to liturgical norms is imperative however, and will only enrich the fruits of the Neocatechumenal movement,” Byrnes wrote.
David Sablan, president of Concerned Catholics of Guam, applauded Byrnes’ pastoral letter.
“And we look forward to the enforcement of these norms,” Sablan said. “If the communities do not follow these norms, then they should not be allowed to operate under the umbrella of the Catholic Church.”
Church norms
Byrnes said he's exercising his authority to establish norms regarding the regulation of Mass and the celebration of the Eucharist. The norms include:
celebrating Mass as a consecrated altar, either in the main sanctuary or in an approved chapel;
if a Mass is additional to the regularly scheduled Saturday evening Mass, some portion of the collection taken should go to the parish to cover costs; and
following the general instruction of the Roman Missal related to the communion: The priest is to consume the body and blood of Christ as soon as he says the respective prayers, and he must do so prior to distributing to communicants. The communicants also must consume the body and blood of Christ as soon as the host or the chalice is placed in their hands. There is to be no delay.
Byrnes gave a two-week period for parishes to adjust to the consecrated altar requirement. The norms concerning Holy Communion take effect immediately, Byrnes said.
Contact: heugenio@guampdn.com