Nun claims priest facilitated her adoption from Bessborough Mother and Baby Home in Cork
By Olivia Kelleher
Irish Mirror
March 14, 2017
Sister Brigid O'Mahony |
Bessborough Convent |
A nun based in the States has indicated that she was sold to a family in America after a deal was arranged at the Bessborough Mother and Baby Home in Cork.
Sr Brigid O’Mahony says she was bought by a Texan family in 1954 after an Irish priest facilitated her adoption from Ireland.
Sr O’Mahony, who is based in New York with the Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus, told the Irish Post as soon as she could think, her parents told her she was from a work home in Ireland.
“They explained to me that babies were sold to American parents and that I was lucky enough to be sold to them as many of the children in those homes never got out.
"I was adopted first, I came over just before I was two-years-old, and then they went back to Bessborough and got my brother Gerard who was five at the time.”
Sr O’Mahony never sought out her birth mother because she didn’t want to “wreck her life” by finding her.
However, six years ago she received a letter from another lady who had been been in Bessborough who had found her mother. She asked Brigid if she would like to track her birth mother.
The woman in Ireland passed Brigid’s details on to the HSE. Brigid also had a box containing items from Bessborough. Unfortunately any details that might have identified her mother were scratched out.
“Every single marker for how you would identify your family was redacted. Except there was this one letter in the box from my mother that she had written with with one of my biological sisters to the Sisters in 2002, looking for me. When I saw the letter, I said ‘oh my God’ this woman is looking for me.”
Brigid knew her mother was from Tipperary so she sent a letter to the Tipperary Star newspaper. She was subsequently contacted by a relative of her mother.
She found out that her mother stayed in Bessborough for two years having been admitted when she was just 19 years old. She was informed that her mother had gone through an ordeal when she went in to labour.
“She said she screamed and screamed for hours as she was in so much pain and no one helped her. Finally, I plopped out.”
Sr O’Mahony finally met up with her mother and her thirteen brothers and sisters five years ago at Shannon Airport. The meeting was “warm and loving.”
“The family was so warm and accepting and loving. In their minds I was coming home. I looked at her (her mother) and said, ‘I’m looking at myself.’ I was frightened but she said ‘it’s like you went away for awhile and now you’re back.’ What they (the nuns) did to the young girls it’s inhumane.”
Sr O’Mahony said that no words could express what her mother had gone through.
“It renders me speechless that anyone could treat people that way, and anyone who supposedly represents God. It’s mystifying.”