Dublin Lives: Mother and Baby Home survivor reveals lifetime of trauma after stay in Bethany Home
By Claire Scott
March 11, 2017
Bethany Home survivor, James Fenning |
Chairman of the Bethany Survivors group Derek Leinster looks at the memorial to 222 children from the Bethany Mother and Child Home, at Mount Jerome Cemetery. |
James Fenning has little memory of the years he spent in one of Ireland's most infamous Mother and Baby Homes, The Bethany Home in Dublin.
James says part of himself doesn't want to recall that time in his life, and he still suffers ailments that stem from the treatment he endured there.
The home, which opened in 1921 in Rathgar, subsequently moved to the Orwell Road before closing in 1972.
Many survivors claim to have suffered severe physical abuse and neglect at the hands of those who ran the notorious institution.
Its now believed up to 247 children died in Bethany Home following research carried out by survivor and author, Derek Linster.
The children were buried in a paupers grave in Mount Jerome and were left unnamed and unmarked until The Bethany Home Survivors group erected a memorial at the cemetery in 2014.
The majority of the deaths were believed to be caused by a form of severe malnutrition known as marasmus.
Bethany was an evangelical protestant-run home and many of the children who survived were sent to families in the US, England and Northern Ireland.
James was taken to Belfast by his loving adopted family when he was five years old, but much of his childhood was spent suffering with sickness stemming from his horrific treatment in Bethany.
He told Dublin Live: "There was something wrong with my legs.
"I remember when I went up to Belfast, I'd get cod liver oil in the morning and cod liver oil at night to try and help with the pain.
"I had lots of warts on my legs, I suffered from malnutrition and rickets which meant my legs could not carry my upper body weight and I needed callipers to support my upper body.
"I also had rheumatic pain and when I was 8 I had to take a year off school because the pain was so bad."
The lack of nourishment and care from a young age still affects James to this day as he now has a steel knee, a plastic hip and claims to be "riddled with arthritis".
Despite having very limited access to information about his childhood before his adoption, James has managed to piece together some details through years of research and help from fellow Mr Linster.
According to the home's records, both Derek and James were fostered together by a family in Nuns Cross, Wicklow.
James was just five months old at the time and Derek was seven and a half months old.
The foster family were given 15 shillings a week by the state to care for a single child.
According to James: "We were getting good money at that time.
"They kept us all for 18 months; there were around 10 or 12 of us out there, so I don't think we got the best of care."
"But I know very little about that time, which is worrying to me."
James has struggled to get a hold of any information concerning his care and medical history.
He said: "It's so frustrating because that information is out there somewhere but no one seems to be able to help me."
When he was in his early 40s, James finally managed to acquire his original birth cert. A task which may seem simple but for many adoptees, it can take years to track down.
He eventually got in touch with adoption service agency, PACT who shared some details about his birth mother.
And after years of searching, he found her living in a care home in Nenagh, Co Tipperary.
He said: "I met my birth mother at 50 and she was 93, but it wasn't a happy reunion.
"I walked into the home , she looked at me and the words she spoke were 'what do you want here'.
Those words cut through James like a knife. He reflects: "I started to cry, so I turned on my heels and walked out."
"It was extremely difficult and I still can't understand why she didn't want anything to do with me.
"She never married and had no other children so it didn't make sense to me - that rejection still affects me."
"But I'm thankful to the lord that I got the Fennings because they were very good to me."
Although his mind has blocked out memories of The Bethany Home he vividly remembers being frightened of "older women" in his early years in Belfast.
"I would run away from them", he said, "I remember my father apologising for me saying,'he doesn't like older women'."
Despite the physical and mental trauma James has endured as a result of his time spent in the Bethany Home, he has managed to build a happy life for himself in Co Antrim.
He said: "I feel like I was very lucky - it was like a lottery you either made it or you didn't.
"I married a lovely wee woman, we're married 49 years. We lost our eldest last year which was a terrible blow for us.
"But we've had four wonderful children and overall, a happy life."
James hopes that going forward, all bodies involved in governing Mother and Baby Homes will take responsibility for what was done to thousands of single mothers and their children in this country.
The Church of Ireland has refused to take responsibility for the treatment of children and their mothers in The Bethany Home and remains adamant that those involved in the running of the home, did so on a "voluntary capacity but not as in any way representing our society."
James compares the atrocities in Ireland's Mother and Baby Homes to those of the Holocaust and has stressed the importance of revealing exactly what went on in these institutions.
He said: "All of this has to be aired so that this can never happen again, we have to look into this so we know what happened, not just in Ireland but across the world.
"I've been searching for decades for information about my life in Bethany - and I'm still searching."