| It’s Time for the State to Face up to Our Dark Past after Tuam Mass Grave for Babies Officially Exposed
By Rebecca Barker
Irish Sun
March 11, 2017
A single plaque on the wall outside reveals the heartbreak of the local community in Tuam, horrified at the tragedies that once unfolded in their midst.
This week, the results of the excavation dig at the Galway site were finally made available by the Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation — and it revealed that up to 800 babies were buried there from 1925 to 1961.
The dig report makes for uncomfortable reading. It reveals “significant quantities of human remains aged from 35 foetal weeks to three years” were discovered in what appeared to be a septic tank at the State-funded, Church-run home. Although the institution was demolished in the 1970s, it was only the tireless work of locals such as historian Catherine Corless who brought the mass grave to the attention of the world.
The wilful neglect of children, aided and abetted by Church and State, breaks my heart.
It’s less than a generation since these horrors were carried out, in the name of God.
Unmarried women were sent to rot in institutions across the country, their ‘bastard’ children removed from them, perhaps dying prematurely in homes such as Tuam’s Bon Secours or if they were ‘lucky’, being sent for adoption.
Many of the survivors tell of a cruel regime where they were stripped of their self-respect and made to work off their “penance” for offending Catholic morals.
And while it’s easy to feel some sympathy for the nuns in charge at the time, many forget these religious orders profited greatly from the homes.
According to estimates, the Church earned the equivalent of today’s average industrial wage for each mother and child it took in, not to mention the money it made from the lucrative adoption practices.
The scandal of Tuam and homes like it across Ireland is a scandal on a par with the Catholic Church’s child sex abuse shame.
Meanwhile, taking a brief break from planning his taxpayer-funded Paddy’s Day junket to Washington, Enda Kenny finally emerged to comment on the scandal.
Describing the treatment of single mothers as “akin to some kind of sub-species”, Kenny promised the issue would no longer be ignored.
I want to believe him because now would be the time for leadership.
Now would be the time for the Government to spell out its intentions for a full-scale national inquiry.
Now would be the time for Kenny to stand up and apologise for the horrors of our past because ultimately we, as a collective, need to own that past — the good, the bad and the downright evil.
Then maybe we can start to heal from one of the darkest chapters in Irish history.
Guide to the nominations for the IFTAs
Dublin’s favourite bedding salesman Mattress Mick
BRACE yourself — the nominees for the Irish Film and Television Academy Awards (IFTAs) have been announced with big names on the list including Michael Fassbender, Colin Farrell and Aidan Turner.
Hang on, weren’t they all nominated last year?
Well, yes. But the nominations were for different roles, so technically the list is completely different. Technically.
I see. But luckily the female nominations are different this year, am I riiight?
Eh, well Ruth Negga, Caitriona Balfe and Catherine Walker may have sneaked in there again…
Right. I can’t wait to tune in so. Can any old Irish person score an IFTA nomination?
Yeah, it would seem so. Even Dublin’s favourite bedding salesman Mattress Mick will be rocking the red carpet on the night for his turn in the fly-on-the-wall documentary, Mattress Men.
Well sheet Jesus! I’ve heard it all now…
Repeal signs with appeal
YOU may have noticed that one or two people took to the streets on International Women’s Day.
With demonstrations in towns across the country, Irish women (and men) went out to protest the 8th Amendment.
I was heartened to see such a turnout for equal rights. I can’t believe I’m still typing this sentence in the year 2017, but every woman of child-bearing age deserves to have a say in her reproductive rights. It’s a no-brainer.
And while the subject of the marches was very serious, it was great to see the protesters showing off a dark sense of humour with these brilliant signs.
Here are a few of my favourites — down with this sort of thing!