Protest over Tuam Baby Scandal to Take Place at City Hospital

Galway Independent
March 10, 2017

A white ribbon protest outside the Bon Secours Hospital in Galway is scheduled to take place this evening following the Tuam babies scandal.

People Before Profit Galway are asking people to gather outside the hospital in Renmore at 5.30pm and walk the outside walls of the hospital.

In a statement the organisation said, “The unusually high level of deaths in the Tuam Mother & Baby Home was not caused by a few bad individuals. It arose from an institutional structure that involved the Bon Secours Order, state agents and the Catholic Church.”

PBP Galway have outlined a number of demands including: that the Bon Secours Health Systems fund the creation of a memorial to their victims; that the Bon Secours order re-consider the existence of their order; produce an audit of illegal adoptions that involved a bounty payment on Irish babies; scrap the ‘Congregational Indemnity Agreement‘ with the Conference of Religious in Ireland, which was then representing 18 religious orders; and end control of primary schools by the Catholic Church.

PBP Galway representative Joe Loughnane added:

"The Bon Secours forcibly took babies from their mothers and mistreated them. They were systematically malnourished. Two children died per week in the Tuam home. The Bon Secours nuns regarded the children as products of ‘sin’. They were to be either used for profit – or neglected."








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