Advocates Call on Senate Majority Leader to Pass Child Victims Act

By Kaleb H. Smith
Legislative Gazette
March 9, 2017

Advocates for the Child Victims Act have once more called upon state legislators to pass reforms to the statute of limitation for survivors of childhood sexual abuse.

This week in Albany, those advocates were joined by Senator Brad Hoylman, D-Manhattan, and Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal, D-Manhattan, in a heart-to-heart discussion with the press, where survivors recounted their experience with sexual assault.

Rosenthal is optimistic since her bill was introduced much sooner than the assembly bill last year containing similar reforms. The support of Hoylman in the Senate, as well as governor’s support, add to her positive outlook on the future of the bill.

“Now all signs are positive around us,” said Rosenthal, “the governor has stated his desire to pass this law. Certainly the senator is working very hard to get it done in the senate. I’m working very hard in the assembly, we just introduced a bill a couple weeks ago.”








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