Not Enough Tds for Debate on Tuam Babies

By Gavan Reilly
Today FM
March 9, 2017

A Dail debate on the discovery of human remains at the mother and baby homes in Tuam was delayed - because not enough TDs showed up.

The Dail was only able to get going at 10:10am - ten minutes late - when a 20th TD showed up and allowed business to begin.

However, after the morning prayer and the debate began, the attendance quickly reduced back to 12.

The poor attendance is partly explained by the fact that four other Oireachtas committees were meeting at the same time, which would have lowered the numbers available to be in the Dail chamber.

It's the second day running that the Dail has been delayed in reaching the minimum number of 20, required to begin a debate.

Yesterday there was a similar 10-minute delay in the debate surrounding the terms of the Grace case.

When the debate did get underway, children's minister Katherine Zappone said she would consider expanding the inquiry to cover other homes.








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