Advocate for victims reacts to memorandum
We Are Central PA
March 7, 2017
[with video]
Johnstown, Pa. - For victim advocate Shaun Dougherty, the memorandum of understanding between the U.S. Attorney and the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese represented great talk, but wants to see great action.
Dougherty believes the Diocese should join the push for retroactivity as the step to preventing child sex abuse crimes. He explained, "I applaud the Bishop for the first step, I'd like to see him take the next big step and support Rep. Rozzi's bill."
Rep. Mark Rozzi's bill would allow the elimination of the statue of limitations to apply to past cases. Dougherty believes that law would bring the great action he's looking for instead of just the joint memorandum.
He explained, "First of all, it's just a memorandum. This isn't anything legally binding. The Bishop could have just been making a speech today. You know, he has to follow up on the things that he's said. A law, is a law. And that changes everything."
Even though it's not legally binding, Bishop Mark Bartchak assured that this isn't just talk and there is no going back. He said, "By putting all this out in the public, I can't shrink from this and I don't intend to." He later continued, "God help a Bishop that comes later who tries to undo that because we need to protect children."
Acting U.S. Attorney Soo Song bleieves this joint document between her and the Diocese goes a long way in protecting children. She explained,"We commend Bishop Bartchak for his leadership in driving this process forward openly and cooperatively. The children of this Diocese will be safer and less susceptible to child sexual abuse because of these mutually developed protections."
Dougherty was initially upset that Song worked with the Diocese but after giving it more thought, he's glad to see federal oversight in a problem that's been going on for decades. He detailed,"Keep in mind, this Attorney General report has been out a year. Those 155,000 documents that the Attorney General's report seized have been in the Catholic Church's possession for how many decades? So, yeah, it's been way, way, way too long."
Dougherty met with Representative Judy Ward Monday in Harrisburg to discuss their differing opinions on retroactivity. He said he came out of the meeting pleased with the discussion because now he could hear the other side explain their point of view. He also applauded Ward for opening the conversation.