Melville: Anglican Church of the Holy Cross to host sexual abuse education session
By Josh Zimmerman
Melville Times
March 7, 2017
The Reverend Graeme Varvell of the Anglican Parish of the Holy Cross. Photo by Matt Jelonek |
CHILD protection expert Andrea Musulin will host an education session designed to help parents and guardians understand and recognise the grooming that is often a precursor to child sexual abuse.
A 30-year veteran of WA Police, Mrs Musulin worked predominantly on cases involving children, youth and domestic violence.
She has a deep understanding of the lasting trauma caused by sexual predators and is dedicated to helping parents ensure their children are not among the 25 per cent of Australian children who fall victim to abuse before their 18th birthdays.
“I don’t sugar coat any of the information; it is delivered very factually and people go away feeling more empowered and knowledgeable,” Mrs Musulin said.
“Grooming occurs in most instances of child sexual abuse – it can last days, weeks, months and quite often we miss it as a society.
“If we understand how sex offenders operate, we can understand how best to protect children against them and that mainly comes down to reducing opportunity.
“Parents are absolutely vital; they are the first educators of their child and have a responsibility to ensure they are safe.”
The free education session is funded by the Anglican Diocese of Perth and will be held at the Anglican Church of the Holy Cross in Melville on March 26.
Holy Cross Reverend Graeme Varvell said the Anglican Diocese was committed to taking practical action in response to the findings of the ongoing Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
“One of the things we thought we could do is host these sessions to help parents become more aware of the behavioural changes in their kids they need to look out for,” he said.
“I’ve seen Andrea present before and she is extremely powerful. I would describe her courses as essential for parents – they will have their minds blown away by what happens and how it happens.”
Mr Varvell emphasised that the education sessions were not limited to parishioners and encouraged all interested parents or guardians to attend.
WHAT: Child protection education session with Andrea Musulin
WHERE: Anglican Church of the Holy Cross
WHEN: Sunday, March 26