| Prime Time Incites Outpouring of Disgust and Calls for Action over Tuam Mother-and-baby Home Mass Grave Report
By Jack Cahill
Irish Examiner
March 7, 2017
Entrance to the site of a mass grave in Tuam, Co Galway
Last week a Commission of Investigation confirmed that remains of infants and children were found buried in the grounds of the Bon Secours Mother and Baby Home in Tuam, Co Galway.
The ‘significant number’ of children’s remains dated back to the era when the home was operational on the site.
On tonight’s episode of Prime Time, Miriam O’Callaghan travelled to Galway to report directly from Tuam.
The show asked if similar excavations are now needed in other mother and baby homes and what Ireland should do next.
Miriam was in Tuam this week
The reaction to the content and interviews on the show created an outpouring of outrage and calls for action online: