Middlesbrough children’s home resident was sexually abused on ship to Australia, inquiry told
By James Cain
Gazette Live
March 6, 2017
Nazareth House, Park Road North, Middlesbrough |
A former Middlesbrough children’s home resident has told an inquiry how she was sexually abused on board a ship when she was sent to Australia.
The little girl was still under 13 when she emigrated after living at Nazareth House in central Middlesbrough since the age of three.
Now an adult, the victim, who cannot be named, gave evidence to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, set up to investigate how British institutions failed to protect children from abuse.
One of the 13 separate investigations launched by the inquiry, is looking into the British child migration programme which saw more than 130,000 children sent to former British colonies, mainly Australia and Canada, between the 1920s and 1970s.
The victim told the inquiry how she was sexually assaulted as she laid in her cabin bunk during the crossing to Adelaide, South Australia, in November 1948.
She said: “One night, I woke up. It was a very, very, very hot night. Very hot. And us kids were sitting, lying, sleeping, on top of the bunk, not under the blanket, but on top of the bunk.
“I was asleep, and woke with this terrible pain in my stomach, awful, awful pain.”
“The pain got worse and worse and worse and worse and worse, and I woke up and there was a man sitting on my bunk on my feet...”
The victim described how she was sexually assaulted by the man and continued: “...that’s where the pain was coming from, the awful, awful pain, and I screamed and screamed.”
Henrietta Hill QC said: “Did he then leave the cabin?”
The victim said: “He left the cabin, but not before somebody started screaming in the other cabins, ‘There’s a man in the cabin, there’s a man in the cabin’.”
The following morning, the victim said the captain approached her after breakfast and said, “I’m going to take you around and you’re going to point out the man that was sitting on your bunk and making your tummy ache”.
Recalling how she pointed at one of the stewards, the victim said: “He tried to run away. I said, ‘That’s him, that’s him, that’s him’.”
The inquiry was shown a letter from the Orient Steam Navigation Company to the chief migration officer of Australia House regarding the sexual assault.
The letter, dated January 14 1949, said: “You asked me today whether we have received any report from the captain of the ship about an attempted assault by one of our stewards on some child migrants.
“I am sorry to say that it is quite true that such an attempt did take place, but there seems to be no doubt that apart from having undergone an extremely unpleasant experience, no physical harm was done to the children concerned.”
“What a shocking lie. That’s a terrible lie,” said the victim.
The letter detailed how the ship’s captain said he was unable to prosecute the steward after being told he was powerless by the British Consul at Port Said who claimed it would be a fortnight before the court would be capable of dealing with the case.
The inquiry heard that the captain instead dismissed the steward with a “bad discharge” and reported him to the Merchant Navy Administration.
The letter concluded: “I think, therefore, that we can safely say that all practicable steps to prevent this man being re-engaged as a steward on any other ship have been taken.”
Ms Hill said: “You would have liked to have seen him prosecuted; is that right?”
“I would have,” said the victim.
Before being sent to Australia, the same victim also described how she had been “thrashed, regularly” at Middlesbrough’s Nazareth House, on Park Road North, by a nun who likened her to “Jezebel and the whores of Babylon”.
The victim said the nun had justified her beatings by saying the child “belonged to the devil and, ‘We just had to knock the devil out of her’.”
In 2010, the then prime minister, Gordon Brown, issued an official apology, expressing regret for the “misguided” child migration programme.