Diocese unveils plan to prevent child abuse
By Chris Miller
We Are Central PA
March 6, 2017
[with video]
Johnstown, Cambria County, Pa - There has been a call for change and responsibility after a grand jury report revealed decades of child sex abuse inside the Altoona-Johnstown Catholic Diocese.
In that report, at least 50 priests and other church leaders were accused of sexually assaulting children in their parishes dating back four decades.
Monday, the U.S. District Attorney for Western Pennsylvania and the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown held a news conference to lay out new reforms within the church to better protect children.
Many victims and their supporters have criticized the diocese for what they call a lack of response. Bishop Mark Bartchak said the changes took time because he and other church leaders were committed to finding a detailed and comprehensive approach.
The reforms were detailed in what the Bishop called a "Memorandum of Understanding".
Some of the key points include:
The creation of an independent oversight board.
A new reporting protocol that requires the diocese to report allegations of child sexual abuse to law enforcement within 12 hours of hearing about the accusation.
Increased counseling and support services for victims by qualified and independent mental health professionals, that can be chosen by the victims.
Attorney Soo Song noted the new reforms laid out Monday are not court ordered or legally binding. Song said after speaking with the Bishop she felt the diocese are acting as "willing partners."
Bishop Bartchak said he will personally enforce the new policies, "By putting all this out in the public, I can't shrink from this and I don't intend to. As for the future, God helps a Bishop that comes later who tries to undo that because we need to protect children."
Song said she hopes these reforms will serve as a role model for other churches to protect children from abuse and exploitation.
Just a week ago, victims and advocates organized a small demonstration outside the headquarters of the Altoona-Johnstown Diocese calling for change. They said they are tired of words and wanted to see action.
One of them was Shaun Doughtery. The Johnstown native was abused by a priest in his church. He told WTAJ News he was not impressed with the memorandum announced by the Bishop.
Doughtery feels two things are missing from the document. He said the church shouldn't be allowed to deal with any children after what has transpired.
He also wants the diocese to address what he believes is an agenda to stop to the statue of limitations from being lifted. The bill supported by Doughtery and Rep. Mark Rozzi would include a retroactive measure that would allow Doughtery and other victims to seek legal recourse against the diocese.
Attorney Song said the church is acting in good faith with these new measures.
"This agreement puts victims first, it provides for public reporting and transparency. This agreement evidences the diocese' effort under leadership of Bartchak to reform and improve its child protection protocols."
The memorandum calls for an independent oversight board for the next ten years, however, there is a clause in that document that says after June 30, 2022 the board can be terminated if two-thirds of its members find their mission is complete.
Contact: cmiller@wtajtv.com