| Ireland after the Brits Left Was Never a Republic – It Was a Priest-ridden Theocracy Which Treated Women and Children As Scum
By Pat Flanagan
Irish Mirror
March 4, 2017
The site at Tuam Mothers and Babies home where there is now verified evidence of remains of a significant number of babies and young children being buried. (Photo: Ray Ryan)
The history books are all wrong. Ireland after the Brits left was never a republic – it was a priest-ridden theocracy which treated woman and children as scum.
How else can you explain the secret burial of hundreds of babies by demonic nuns in a disused septic tank?
The land of saints and scholars was really a Catholic North Korea which had concentration camps for children born outside wedlock and their mothers.
Like the regime of the Kim’s in Korea there was no escape except in death and even then the innocent little ones were dumped in a cesspit instead of being given a Christian burial.
The site at Tuam Mothers and Babies home where there is now verified evidence of remains of a significant number of babies and young children being buried.
A few years ago Ireland went bust but the revelation that up to 800 children and babies were dumped in a septic tank proved this has always been a morally bankrupt nation.
While it was depraved nuns who did the dirty work, it must never be forgotten that these children were supposed to be in the care of the Irish State.
Had this grim discovery been made in Rwanda we’d have Government ministers jumping up and down demanding that those involved be indicted for war crimes.
Most people would not bury a dog in such a disrespectful way never mind a young child but what took place at Tuam is a metaphor for the way Ireland treated children.
The nuns were a kind of religious SS but it was the leaders of this theocracy who delegated the dirty work to the Catholic Church.
While the nameless little bodies in the septic tank might not have been victims of criminal acts, they were victims of Ireland’s hidden war on children born out of wedlock.
The children who died were thrown into pits, the ones who survived were either sold off or ended up in the dubious care of the religious orders.
The fallen women were incarcerated in the Magdalene laundries and forced to work as slave labourers.
Ireland’s shameful “secrets” were carried out in plain sight of everyone.
It may not have been the slaughter of the innocents for as far as we know the nuns didn’t actually kill the children but they didn’t make a great effort to keep them alive either.
The infant mortality rate in the mother and baby homes was horrendous with disease and malnutrition rife.
This was well known because in 1934 the abnormally high death rate among “illegitimate” children in these homes was revealed in the Dail but nothing was done.
Ireland was a terrible place to be poor but for a poor woman to be unmarried with a child was a double burden.
This mass grave was known about by gardai and Galway County Council since the 1970s but instead of launching an investigation it was covered up.
Think about it, a pit brim-full of little bones and skulls and no one here was too bothered.
There are at least 13 other mother and baby homes as well as many other county homes which may have similar secret depths to the one in Tuam.
Why is there no Garda inquiry into the Bon Secours Sisters? Does the State not want to know how the children died?
Probably because the police force which would have to investigate any mass grave is the same one which was ordered by the courts to deliver these women to the homes and hunt them down if they escaped.
The cross on the gate of the Tuam home should be removed as there was little in the way of Christianity that went on inside its grim walls.
The best way to honour and remember those little souls is to highlight their plight and bring the monsters who placed them there to justice.