Catholic faith group sees progress in tribunal
By Neil Pang
Guam Daily Post
February 20, 2017
PROTESTERS: The Concerned Catholics of Guam picketed the Chancery Office of the Archdiocese of Agana in Agana Heights, where a a tribunal meeting was being held investigating sex abuse allegations against Archbishop Anthony Apuron Feb. 16. The CCG continue to seek the removal of Archbishop Apuron. Photo by David Castro |
The president of a Catholic faith group that has been carrying out weekly protests outside the Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral-Basilica told The Guam Daily Post that he sees the signs of progress in the arrival of the Vatican-led tribunal that arrived on Guam last week to hear testimony from those who have accused Guam clergy of child sexual abuse.
"Yes, the combined efforts of the laity of Guam have made the world aware of our problem with clergy sex abuse and the deficient administration of Archbishop Anthony Apuron who abused his authority," said Dave Sablan, president of Concerned Catholics of Guam."The Vatican is now paying attention, and they need to because of the civil lawsuits filed against them as well for allegedly knowing (about) the cover ups of clergy sex abuse."
The tribunal concluded the Guam part of its inquiry Friday, according to the Archdiocese of Agana.
Sablan explained that the protest carried out last week at the Archdiocese Chancery was held both to show support for Roland Sondia, one of those who came forward last year as a former altar boy abused by then-priest Archbishop Anthony Apuron, and a way for protesters to send a strong message to the Vatican.
"The Holy Father is the only one who can deal with the problem of Apuron, and the picket line message is our petition to the Holy Father to please remove Apuron as the Archbishop of Agana," Sablan said. "We seek a speedy trial and decision on Apuron, and we would like to see him defrocked."
Efforts to defrock Apuron will continue
While the Post has previously reported comments from canon law expert Patrick J. Wall that canonical trials are usually long, drawn-out processes that could take years, Sablan said CCOG hoped the process could be completed quickly given that the evidence against Apuron is so clear.
"He has violated Canon Law, and harmed the men who are accusing him of sexual abuse when he was pastor of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish in Agat," Sablan said of Apuron.
The CCOG president added that he understood the secrecy surrounding the Vatican proceedings as being necessary in order that outside influences not contaminate the process as they collect evidence and information concerning Apuron's alleged crimes.
In the end, Sablan said CCOG's mission remained loud and clear: the removal of Apuron from his position as Archbishop of Agana.
"When we see Apuron removed, which we hope is sooner than later, then our objective has been achieved," he said. "Until the title of Archbishop of Agana is removed from his name, CCOG and the Laity Forward Movement (LFM) will not lessen our efforts to continue to work toward this objective being achieved in whatever means necessary."
As an added measure, Sablan said his organization wanted all photos and mention of Apuron stricken from Archdiocesan parishes, schools, offices, letterheads and seals.
Once Apuron is removed, Sablan said CCOG would focus on their second objective, the closing of the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Yona.