| Ongar Sexual Abuse Survivor Who Was Told to "Adjust Her Medication" Wants Eric Pickles to Resign
By Anna Slater
East London and West Essex Guardian
February 17, 2017
Sexual abuse survivor who was told to 'adjust her medication' wants Eric Pickles to resign
A SEXUAL abuse victim whose life was “destroyed” by an MP who told her to “adjust her medication” is demanding an apology four years on.
Teresa Cooper, who now lives in Ongar, says the sting of what Eric Pickles said to her in 2013 has never stopped hurting.
The 49-year-old was 14 when she was used as a guinea pig for drug trials and sexually assaulted while living at the Church of England run Kendall House.
Grandmother Ms Cooper confronted the Ongar and Brentwood MP and a wildlife event, saying: “Nothing has changed…only you have ignored it. You have ignored it.”
He then interjected shouting: “just, just adjust your medication”. While he initially denied he said the cruel jaunt, video evidence later surfaced.
When Mr Pickles was accused of anti-Semitism and Mrs Cooper says his remarks to her came flooding back.
She said: “He said what he did in a public place, in front of a load of people, without caring about the actions or the consequences.
“I felt humiliated, he went out of his way to discredit me. I’ve never forgotten what he said, I’m always upset about it.
“He being in the news this week for saying something else to somebody has bought back memories. He didn’t say sorry to me, and he won’t say sorry to that guy, either.”
After spending the best part of 30 years tirelessly fighting for justice, Mrs Cooper is single-handedly responsible for bringing what happened to light and the release of a report.
Commissioned by the Church of England, it paints a graphic picture of life inside Kendall House as a “frightening, violent and unpredictable place to live”.
During her four-year stay during the early 1980s, Teresa was locked in a room for 163 days and given a cocktail of drugs including Valium, Haloperidol and other anti-psychotics more than 1,200 times.
She was abused while under the effect of the drugs and she believes the chemicals are responsible for a range of health problems suffered by her and her children.
Girls were so heavily medicated they could often be found in the common room “like zombies”, sat slumped over chairs, foaming and dribbling at the mouth. One girl recalled: “I thought they were dead, it frightened the life out of me.”
Mrs Cooper added: “Eric Pickles destroyed my life, honestly he’s ruined it. I am demanding he resigns.
“It would mean so much to me if he admitted he was wrong – he basically made me out to be a liar.”
The Guardian has requested comment from Eric Pickles.