| Man Who Ran Silverton Ministry Sentenced to 10 Years for Sex Abuse
By Whitney M. Woodworth
Statesman Journal
February 15, 2017
Andrew Thomas Stutzman
A former Silverton youth pastor was sentenced to 10 years in prison for sexually abusing a teen girl over the span of three years.
Andrew Stutzman, 38, pleaded guilty to 10 counts of second-degree sex abuse and was sentenced Monday in Marion County Circuit Court.
Stutzman started a youth group with his wife and had frequent contact with teens, according to police. He also co-owned a local coffee shop before his arrest.
Police began investigating Stutzman in June when the victim came forward. During the weeks-long investigation, Silverton police Detective Josh Boatner interviewed the victim, who said Stutzman began the abuse when she was 16.
Stutzman was a 34-year-old married father and church youth group leader when he met the teen. According to court documents, he engaged in a sexual relationship more than 150 times with the victim.
The victim told investigators the sexual contact was mutual — but for her age — until she tried to end the relationship in 2015 when she was 18.
"...by then she had gone to college, grown up and realized how wrong the relationship was," stated a memorandum filed in Marion County.
Stutzman came over to her home and tried to have sex with her after she broke up with him. She said she told him "no" several times and began crying, but he still had sex with her. Afterward, he apologized and left.
Shortly before he began having sexual contact with the teen, Stutzman was arrested on a public indecency charge in Clackamas County. KATU News reported that someone witnessed Stutzman "committing a lewd act" in a car outside a coffee shop. Stutzman told police he had spilled coffee on his lap, but no coffee was found in his car.
A jury convicted him of indecency in 2013, and he was sentenced to 15 days in jail and three years of probation, the conditions of which included orders to have no contact with minors, undergo sex offender treatments and stay away from areas frequented by children.
He was undergoing sex offender treatment the same time he was sexually abusing the teen, according to court records.
"As a youth pastor, he was in a position of authority, which he leveraged to manipulate this victim into the inappropriate relationship," Deputy District Attorney Brendan Murphy wrote in a sentencing memorandum.
He also pointed to allegations of non-consensual sex and the extended time period of the abuse.
"Despite having over two years to reflect on the fact he was married, a father and leader within his church, (Stutzman) continued to engage in repeated escapades with a minor girl," he wrote.
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The website for the Silverton-based A.C.T.S. Ministry listed Stutzman as one of the church's leaders. The ministry's Facebook page promoted teen-oriented events such as hikes at Silver Falls, concerts and outreach in downtown Portland.
His proximity to teens concerned some local parents, who recalled evening trips to Portland and late-night excursions their teens had attended with Stutzman.
Following his arrest, Stutzman was taken to Marion County jail and held on $100,000 bail. He was released on bail July 5.
In a notice filed in Marion County, Murphy stated Stutzman had shown a disregard for laws, violated public trust and his incarceration was necessary for public safety.
Stutzman pleaded guilty to all 10 counts on Friday.
In addition to his prison term, Stutzman was sentenced to three years of post-prison supervision and ordered to register as a sex offender.
For questions, comments and news tips, email reporter Whitney Woodworth at wmwoodwort@statesmanjournal.com, call 503-399-6884 or follow on Twitter @wmwoodworth