Early learning teacher from Yeadon faces child sex assault charges in Norristown
By Oscar Gamble
Daily Times
February 15, 2017
NORRISTOWN >> A teacher at St. Francis of Assisi School’s Early Learning Center Program is facing charges of involvement in deviate sexual intercourse with a child, aggravated indecent assault and related offenses stemming from an incident that occurred Feb. 7, according to court documents.
Michael Barbee, 32, of Yeadon, was arrested Feb. 10 and arraigned in district court Feb. 11. He remains behind bars with bail set at $750,000.
According to a letter the school sent out to parents, Barbee was immediately placed on administrative leave after parish officials were notified he was under criminal investigation.
“These charges are serious and disturbing. The parish will cooperate fully with law enforcement regarding this matter and remains fervently committed to preventing child abuse as well as protecting the children and young people entrusted to its care,” the letter read.
The letter goes on to state that Barbee passed criminal background checks and child abuse clearances before he was hired and “his responsibilities did not include a reason for him to be in the parish school building.”
Other charges filed against Burbee include aggravated indecent assault of an unconscious or unaware complainant and unsworn falsification to authorities among others.
A preliminary hearing before district judge James Gallagher is scheduled for Feb. 22. The criminal complaint and arresting affidavit related to the case have yet to be released
Anyone with information regarding this case is urged to contact the Norristown Police Department Detectives Division at 610-270-0977.
Contact: ogamble@21st-centurymedia.com