| Sex Abuse Royal Commission: Former Retta Dixon Residents in Darwin Attain Compensation in Australian First
By Avani Dias
ABC News
February 15, 2017
PHOTO: Former residents of the Retta Dixon Home (pictured in an undated photo) took civil action in 2014. (Supplied)
After enduring years of horrific sexual and physical abuse, 71 former residents of a home for Indigenous Stolen Generation children in Darwin will be compensated in what their lawyer says is the largest class action in the Northern Territory's history.
They are also the first group across the country to attain compensation from the Federal Government following evidence heard by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, which has been holding hearings around Australia for almost four years.
The former residents of the Retta Dixon Home took civil action in 2014 against a number of defendants, including convicted paedophile and the home's former house parent Donald Bruce Henderson, the Commonwealth, and Australian Indigenous Ministries Christian organisation which ran the home.
The plaintiffs allege physical and sexual assaults by staff at the home from 1946 to 1980, and sought compensation for a failure of duty of care by the defendants, saying they suffered damage and loss as a result.
The group's lawyer Bill Piper said the class action was settled after a week-long mediation in Darwin.
"We can confirm there has been a resolution of the Retta Dixon class action," he said.
"We believe it has been a positive outcome for our clients."
PHOTO: A Retta Dixon dorm. Former residents have won an Australia-first compensation payout. (Supplied)
Hopes settlement will lead to closure
Mr Piper said Henderson, lawyers for the Commonwealth Government, which administered the NT at the relevant time, and lawyers for Australian Indigenous Ministries (AIM), participated in the mediation.
"Of the 71 plaintiffs, around half alleged sexual abuse and virtually all alleged physical abuse while they were at, or under the control of, the missionaries of house parents running the home," Mr Piper said.
"We think it's the largest class action that there's been in the NT that's now settled and the terms of settlement are confidential."
The Federal Government was responsible for taking many of the mixed-race children from their families and putting them in the home as wards of the state.
"The Commonwealth acknowledges the trauma that has resulted from the abuse experienced by some of the children who resided in the Retta Dixon Home," a Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet spokesperson said.
"It is hoped that the settlement of this claim will enable those who suffered to reach a form of closure on this period of their lives ... all defendants contributed to the settlement."
PHOTO: Seventy-one former Retta Dixon residents won a class action over alleged abuse. (Supplied)
Survivors told of horrific abuse endured at the home
The institution housed scores of Aboriginal children from 1946 to 1980.
The royal commission in 2014 laid bare allegations of horrific sexual, physical and mental abuse at the home.
A child at Retta Dixon who suffered seizures was allegedly tied up like a dog to a bed, and fed on the ground with an enamel plate.
One girl allegedly had faeces rubbed in her face, was tied to a clothesline and deliberately burned with hot water.
Residents testified to seeing a male house parent force-feed a baby until she choked
The inquiry heard some children were raped so badly they were taken to hospital for treatment, but were watched by their abuser to make sure they did not alert authorities.
One man told of having to wear nappies to school as a boy to stop the bleeding after being sexually assaulted, while other children were allegedly flogged with a belt until they bled.
One woman said she had persistent hearing problems from beatings to her head.
During the class action, the group told the court that staff at the home failed to report abuse or to listen to the children when they spoke up.
PHOTO: Former residents enter Darwin Police station in 2014 before launching their class action. (ABC News: Rick Hind)
Many complaints related to house parent Henderson, now aged 80. In 1984, he was found guilty of sexually abusing two boys at a public pool, but was never successfully prosecuted for criminal offences allegedly committed at the home.
However, the royal commission heard there was evidence to support charges.
Mr Piper said the compensation payment is not expected for several months and he will be speaking to all 71 plaintiffs individually.