Commission Debates Catholic Confessional

By Rebekah Ison
Cairns Post
February 9, 2017

Removing the confidentiality of the Catholic confessional box could stop paedophiles ever admitting to their crimes, a priest says.

Catholic Social Services Australia Chief Executive Father Frank Brennan said no one has ever confessed child sex abuse to him but he had been contacted by a woman whose father repeatedly talked of his crimes in the confessional and was forgiven.

He told the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse he thought priests dishing out such "cheap grace" was appalling.

But if confessional confidentiality was taken away, an abuser would know he was in the same position as if he told someone on the street, "I'm a pedophile".

"I ask myself if you take away the seal of the confessional, is it any more likely that anyone will come to confession and confess pedophilia?," he said on Thursday.

The woman who wrote to Father Brennan said her father thought he was a '"good Catholic" and felt vindicated after being forgiven at confessional.

He abused numerous children in his family and is now in jail, the royal commission heard.

Liturgical theologian Father Joseph Grayland said he would only talk about reconciliation for a sex abuser if they first went to police and reported their behaviour.

Anti-child sexual abuse campaigner Damian De Marco said there needs to be mandatory requirements regardless of how the suspicion of abuse comes about.

"The most important thing for us is to look after those who can't look after themselves," he told AAP.

Faith has always come first but faith needs to come second."

Earlier, Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald said it was likely the royal commission would recommend priests be required by law to report knowledge of sex offences which may help circumvent a secrecy requirement among Church leadership.

The commission heard that some experts think the "pontifical secret" prohibits leaders from going to authorities unless they are required to by civil law.

Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald asked if any aspect of the church's canon law would conflict with a reportable conduct regime that also examines how the allegation was handled.

"I don't think there is anything that would prohibit the reviewing (of) the documents, the facts and the details of the investigation," American canon lawyer and whistle-blowing priest Father Thomas Doyle said.

Chair Peter McClellan said: "It would be a significant intrusion in practice and I could imagine some Church people would not like it."

"I'm sure they wouldn't like it," Dr Doyle replied.

The hearing is expected to continue on Friday.








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