| Diocese Sets 11 Listening Sessions on Sexual Abuse Claims
By Stephanie Dickrell
St. Cloud Times
February 9, 2017
Times columnist Ben Ament believes St. Cloud Bishop Donald Kettler is the leader who can heal local wounds caused by sexually abusive priests.
The Diocese of St. Cloud has set several listening sessions and a service of healing in response to claims of sexual abuse by clergy within the diocese.
Bishop Donald Kettler and other members of a diocesan response team will have 11 listening sessions at sites around the diocese.
The gatherings have three goals, according to a statement. First, the diocese wants to assure parishoners of Kettler's support and assistance. Second, the diocese hopes to offer a process where sexual misconduct and other concerns can be voiced and discussed. Third, the diocese wants to give other victims the opportunity to come forward.
Kettler and his predecessor, Bishop John Kinney, have conducted similar sessions in the past in parishes where clergy accused of abuse have served.
The upcoming meetings are in response to 74 claims made against 31 clergy members under the Minnesota Child Victims Act, which allowed old claims to be addressed in courts if they were filed before May 2016. The sessions are for all parish communities where the accused clergy have served.
The diocese will also have a diocesan-wide healing service at 7 p.m., Feb. 16 at Holy Angels Performing Arts Center in St. Cloud.
The diocese said the service is an opportunity for people to gather and pray for healing for those who have been harmed. The service will include readings from Scripture, intercessory prayer and anointing of individuals with oil blessed during the service.
The sessions and healing service are open to the public, but are not open to media.
Follow Stephanie Dickrell on Twitter @SctimesSteph, like her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/sctimessteph, call her at 255-8749 or find more stories at www.sctimes.com/sdickrell.
Note: Sessions are open for surrounding parish communities. Visit stcdio.org/category/accountability/listening-sessions for details or read the PDF attached with the story online.
6 p.m. Feb. 22, St. Joseph Parish, St. Joseph.
8 p.m. Feb. 22, St. Louis Parish, Paynesville.
7 p.m. Feb. 23, Our Lady of Victory Parish, Fergus Falls.
7 p.m. Feb. 28, at St. Mary's Cathedral, St. Cloud.
7 p.m. March 2, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Little Falls.
6 p.m. March 7, St. John Parish, Foley.
7 p.m. March 7, Assumption Parish, Morris.
8 p.m. March 7, St. Andrew Parish, Elk River.
7 p.m. March 14, St. Mary Parish, Alexandria.
7 p.m. March 14, St. Ann Parish, Wadena.
7 p.m. March 16, St. Mary Parish, Melrose.
Contact: sdickrell@stcloudtimes.com