Priest jailed for 28 years for abuse of vulnerable boys in his care at children's home
Gazette Live
February 8, 2017
Roy Lovatt |
[with video]
A teacher and a housemaster who abused vulnerable boys in their care at a children’s home have received jail sentences totalling 46 years.
Between them Roy Allen and Roy Lovatt molested nine boys in the 1970s and 1980s while working at Thorp Arch Grange school on the outskirts of Wetherby, West Yorkshire.
Lovatt who was later ordained as a Roman Catholic priest was described by the prosecution as a predatory sex offender in his trial at Leeds Crown Court .
The 71-year-old of Queen Street, Redcar , who was a house master at the school was found guilty of four charges of indecent assault and five of serious sex assaults against two boys.
He also admitted 23 charges of indecent assault and two of gross indecency on three other boys and a girl. Some he had got to know when he was training to be a Methodist minister prior to his conversion. He was jailed for 28 years.
Roy Leonard Allen, 72, of Moseley Road, Burnley, was found guilty by the jury on nine charges of indecent assault, two of serious sex assault and one of attempted serious sex assault involving four boys in the 1970s.
He was teaching at the time of his offending and later went on to become deputy head and headmaster at the school. He was jailed for a total of 18 years.
Jailing them Judge Neil Clark said their victims had given harrowing and emotional evidence revealing their “tormented childhood memories” at Thorp Arch within a culture of bullying and control.
He said the victims felt ‘utterly unable to complain’ and were ‘regarded in any event as naughty boys who could not be believed’.
“That your behaviour has continued to haunt their adult lives is abundantly clear,” he added.
“You were in a position of significant trust in relation to those boys. You were there to educate, nurture and care for them, that is what the people of Yorkshire paid for you to do and what they expected you to do and what their parents trusted you to do. However you did not, you exploited their vulnerability, used that to prey on them to satisfy your own lust.”
“The two of you frankly made an irony of the title care order that was imposed on the children you had care of.”
Richard Wright QC prosecuting told the jury the school was effectively a secure children’s home housing youngsters sent there by courts or local authorities who were among the most vulnerable in society.
“They were troubled, they often came from terrible domestic environments, some had become involved in petty offending, others in the commission of more serious crimes.
“They did not choose to live in these institutions rather they were sent to them by people in positions of authority and the children had absolutely no say in the matter.”
But he said in fact they were not sent to a place of safety where they would be cared for because among the many dedicated professionals were “bullies and paedophiles” who used violence to control them.
Roy Lovatt and Roy Allen were such men who abused boys and in the most extreme cases raped them.
“These were not caring professionals dedicated to education, training and protection of the young. They were rather cynical sex offenders.”
He said they had deliberately sought out contact with vulnerable children not only as a means to abuse them but safe in the knowledge that in the 1970s and 1980s when attitudes were markedly different “they were effectively immune from complaint should they be made.”
Counsel for the defendants, who are both married, said it was many years since the offences and they would likely die in prison.
Detective Superintendent Jon Morgan said: “These men had responsibility for the welfare and safety of vulnerable children in their care but instead chose to abuse their positions of trust for their own sexual gratification.”
“The long-term traumatic effect that their actions have had on the victims from such an early stage in their lives should never be underestimated. We hope that seeing these men finally brought to justice will provide some degree of reassurance to the victims.”