| Archbishop of Canterbury's Qc Friend Blamed His Beating of Boys at a British Summer Camp on Sleeping Pill Addiction
By Peta Thornycroft
February 3, 2017
John Smyth QC, who ran Christian holiday camps attended by the Most Rev Justin Welby in the late Seventies, told church leaders he was addicted to sleeping tablets when he was accused of assaulting children
A part-time judge and friend of the Archbishop of Canterbury said he was addicted to sleeping pills at the time he was accused of subjecting boys to savage sado-masochistic beatings.
John Smyth QC, who ran Christian holiday camps attended by the Most Rev Justin Welby in the late Seventies, told church leaders his “extraordinary aberration of judgment” was linked to his addiction to prescription medication. Hampshire Police this week launched an investigation into Mr Smyth, who left Britain when the beating allegations came to light in the early Eighties, moving to Zimbabwe, where he also faces abuse claims.
The Archbishop issued an “unreserved and unequivocal” apology after it emerged that senior figures in the Church did not report Mr Smyth to the police when victims - some of whom were pupils at Winchester College - reported the allegations in 1982.
Mr Smyth moved to Zimbabwe in 1984, where he established Zambezi Ministries, which ran holiday camps similar to those in Britain, and at which a number of boys now say they were beaten and forced to shower naked with the barrister.
The Telegraph has discovered that Mr Smyth issued a written statement to church leaders in which he accepted that beating British teenagers had been "entirely wrong” and blamed it on the pressures of work and an addiction to sedatives.
The barrister made the admission in 1989, a month after the former headmaster of Winchester, John Thorn, published a book in which he referred to the beating claims.
Mr Thorn wrote in The Road to Winchester, published in February 1989: “I was told the extraordinary news that the neighbouring barrister had gained such personal control over a few of the senior boys in the group, and had kept it after they left the school, that he was claiming to direct their burgeoning relationship with girls and was, with their consent, punishing them physically when they confessed to him they had sinned.
“By reason of pressures of professional and christian work he had for some years previously become completely dependent on sleeping pills, and there is no doubt that this extraordinary aberration of judgment was in some way linked with that.”
John Smyth QC's statement to his Zambezi Ministry
“The World of Conservative Evangelism was reft in twain. Absurd and baseless rumours were circulated that he was an unhinged tyrant, the embodiment of Satan. He must be banished. And - quietly but efficiently - he was.
"He left the Winchester district and then the United Kingdom. He departed for Africa with his family and, by me, has not been heard of since.”
The fact that the allegations had surfaced publicly for the first time prompted Mr Smyth to issue a written statement, via his Zambezi Ministry, in March 1989.
The release, circulated to church leaders in Zimbabwe, states: “Within a few days of the matter first coming to the attention of older Christians in February 1982, John accepted that what he had been doing was entirely wrong and he has never sought to justify it since.
“By reason of pressures of professional and Christian work, he had, for some years previously, become completely dependent on sleeping pills, and there is no doubt that this extraordinary aberration of judgment was in some way linked with that.”
Channel 4 challenged John Smyth QC about the allegations this week. CREDIT: CHANNEL 4/CHANNEL 4
In a bid to stop his admission circulating more widely, he added: “Please regard this as a confidential document, NOT for general circulation. It is intended only for the eyes of those who raise queries about the matter in the book.”
Channel 4 News reported earlier this week that Mr Smyth beat 22 men in the shed in the garden of his Winchester home, handing out tens of thousands of strokes over a three-year period.
The barrister was charged with killing a teenager at a Zimbabwe camp, in 1992, and injuring the dignity of several others, but escaped prosecution after the case collapsed.
He now lives in South Africa, where he runs the Justice Alliance, a public morality campaign group.
The organisation said yesterday that he had been told to step down after the claims emerged.
Board member Stephen van Rhyn said: “We are so shocked and many of us believe John should go to the UK to answer any questions and face any charges which may be there.”