| "Faith Healing" Parents Who Refused Medical Treatment for Their Two-year-old Girl Are Charged with Involuntary Manslaughter after She Dies of Pneumonia
Daily Mail
February 1, 2017
Jonathan and Grace Foster are being charged with involuntary manslaughter and child endangerment of their daughter, Ella, 2
A Pennsylvania couple who told police they don't believe in medical treatment for religious reasons have been charged after their two-year-old daughter died from pneumonia.
The Berks County district attorney says the parents told investigators that they do not believe in medications and doctors and 'as part of their faith they do not believe in any medical treatment.'
Their daughter Ella Grace Foster died November 8, at the family's home.
Jonathan and Grace Foster are being charged with involuntary manslaughter and child endangerment.
The couple lives in Upper Tulpehocken Township, near the village of Strausstown.
Authorities did not specify exactly which church the couple attended.
It wasn't clear whether the Fosters have attorneys who could comment on the accusations, and a number listed for them was busy on Wednesday.
Pediatric cases of pneumonia are typically caused by viruses and often begin after an upper respiratory tract infection.
Children who contract pneumonia caused by bacteria becoming sick very quickly and present high fevers. It was not clear which Ella had before her death.