| Education Ministry to Comment February on Hampton Principal's Leave Challenge
The Gleaner
January 16, 2017
Murray is challenging the education ministry’s decision to send her on two weeks leave.
The Education Ministry says it will not comment on the latest development involving Principal of the St Elizabeth-based Hampton School, Heather Murray, until next month.
Murray is challenging the education ministry’s decision to send her on two weeks leave.
It's the latest in a string of developments after Murray went to the St Elizabeth Parish Court at the bail hearing of Moravian pastor, Rupert Clarke, who is on a sex charge.
She also attempted to block the media from taking his images.
Principal of the Hampton School Heather Murray (right) smiles as Moravian minister Rupert Clarke (left) is led away from the St Elizabeth Parish Court recently.
The Education Ministry last week said Murray was expected to go for professional counselling services given what has been described as her recent emotional stress.
But her attorney, Andre Earle, has written to the chairman of the board of the school challenging reports from the education ministry that she agreed to apply for two weeks’ leave.
Earle says his client has no need or desire to proceed on any leave and will therefore be continuing her normal duties as principal.
When contacted this morning, chairman of the board, Trevor Blake, directed The Gleaner/Power 106 News Centre to the ministry of education for a response.
However, the ministry says the education minister will not comment on the matter until it receives a report from the school board on Murray’s actions at the bail hearing.
That report is due on February 3.