| New Speaker for Prayer Breakfast to Be Announced Monday
The Gleaner
January 14, 2017
Chairman of the National Leadership Prayer Breakfast Committee, Reverend Dr Stevenson Samuels.
The chairman of the National Leadership Prayer Breakfast Committee, Reverend Dr Stevenson Samuels says ?on Monday, a new guest speaker will be announced for the 37th National Leadership Prayer Breakfast.
?It follows the decision of Moravian Bishop Stanley Clarke to withdraw from the event scheduled for the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel.
A statement from the committee said Clarke, a former president of the Moravian Church in Jamaica advised the Breakfast Committee that the current controversy engulfing his denomination could overshadow the message he would wish to deliver to the nation at the breakfast.
There has been intense public attention on the Moravian church since the December 28 arrest and subsequent charging of 64-year-old pastor Rupert Clarke for having sex with a minor.
IN PHOTO: Moravian pastor Rupert Clarke being escorted from the St Elizabeth Parish Court.
Yesterday, it also emerged that the church pre?sident Dr Paul Gardner and his vice-president Jermaine Gibson have resigned ahead of the establishment of an independent committee to probe allegations against them.
Meanwhile, Clarke has reportedly condemned the alleged actions of Clarke, saying he regrets the harm inflicted on the victim, her family, the Church and the nation.
The breakfast will be held under the theme: God Empowered Intervention for Transformation?.
IN PHOTO: Gardner (left) and Gibson right have stepped down from their positions on the executive of the Moravian church.