| Indigenous Professor Resigns from Ubc Committee over John Furlong Reinstatement
By Tracy Sherlock
Vancouver Sun
January 12, 2017
John Furlong poses in Toronto on Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2013. NATHAN DENETTE / THE CANADIAN PRESS
The lone Aboriginal member of a committee struck to create a sexual assault policy for the University of B.C. has resigned over the reinstatement of John Furlong as the keynote speaker at an athletics fundraising event.
Daniel Justice, the First Nations and Indigenous Studies chair and professor at UBC, said in his resignation letter that the decision to reinstate Furlong undermines the work he and the university are doing to build relationships with Indigenous people.
“There were many responsible and compassionate ways this matter might have been handled that would not have once again silenced or erased the abuse allegations of dozens of people from the Lake Babine First Nation — some of whom I understand have contacted your office and have received no response — but the result of UBC press releases has been to do precisely that,” Justice said in his resignation letter to UBC president Santa Ono. “(A)fter consultation with members of my community and significant reflection, my priority must be to support under-represented Indigenous voices on these matters, and I believe that a viable and legitimate survivor-centred approach to sexual assault cannot stand with integrity alongside this deeply troubling action. At least not for me.”
UBC issued a short statement in response to Justice’s resignation.
“We respect Dr. Justice’s decision to resign from the committee and we thank him for his hard work on the committee,” UBC said in a statement.
In 2012, freelance writer Laura Robinson reported allegations that Furlong, the former CEO of the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics, physically abused First Nations students in northern B.C. decades earlier. Furlong omitted his time as a teacher in Burns Lake from his biographical 2011 book, Patriot Hearts.
Robinson’s story in the Georgia Straight set off a chain of legal actions that included Furlong suing Robinson, three people filing sexual abuse lawsuits against Furlong — all of which were dropped or dismissed — and Robinson launching a countersuit, alleging Furlong damaged her reputation in public statements.
Furlong denied the reported allegations and while he initially sued both her and the Georgia Straight for defamation, he dropped the suit, leaving the claims in the article untested. The story that started the controversy is still available for viewing on the publication’s website. The B.C. Supreme Court in 2015 ruled Furlong did not defame Robinson.
Justice, who is also the Canada research chair in Indigenous literature and expressive culture, declined to comment publicly beyond his resignation letter, stating that he wants the story to be about the Lake Babine community’s concerns, not his actions.
Justice said the information that people from the Lake Babine First Nation had tried to contact Ono comes from a trustworthy source who is closer to the situation than he is. UBC would only say that Ono is replying to all correspondence, emails and phone calls and that his office received a great deal of messages from community members with a diverse range of views.
Lake Babine First Nation chief Wilf Adam said he didn’t know if any of his community’s members tried to reach Ono, but he said he is ready to host Furlong in Burns Lake if he wants to visit and clear the air.
Claire Hunter, Furlong’s lawyer, provided a statement saying Furlong has “consistently stated that he is innocent of the alleged abuse and each allegation that has been subject to investigation by the RCMP or finding of the Courts has been found to be unsubstantiated.”
The UBC committee will now be without Indigenous representation, which Justice said, “is a significant gap considering that our community is statistically far more likely to experience sexual, gender-based, and radicalized violence than any others in Canada.”
Glynnis Kirchmeier, a former UBC student who has filed a human rights complaint against the university over their handling of sexual assault reports, had written the institution asking that Furlong not speak at the fundraising event. The university initially complied, then apologized and this week re-invited Furlong to the event.
The sexual assault committee was struck after UBC promised, in November 2015, to create a stand-alone sexual-assault policy after Kirchmeier and other women came forward with complaints about UBC’s handling of numerous complaints about a male PhD student over long periods of time.
Since then, the province has mandated that all post-secondary schools must have sexual assault policies.
The issue of sexual assault has been fulminating at UBC in recent years. In addition to the complaint by Kirchmeier and other students, Steven Galloway’s firing as chair of the Creative Writing department involved an unsubstantiated allegation of sexual assault, and Ono’s previous university is being investigated for allegations of exposing students to a “sexually hostile environment.”
Contact: tsherlock@postmedia.com