North West Survivors Group calls on First and Deputy First Minister to give HIA Inquiry Report 'the attention that it deserves'
Derry Now
January 9, 2017
Following the news that the Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry Report has been presented to the First and Deputy First Ministers, the Survivors (North West) group have issued a statement calling on them to give the matter the attention it deserves.
A spokesperson for the group said: "As a result of the announcement, that the Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry Report has been delivered to the First and Deputy First Ministers, we, Survivors (North West), hope that the First and Deputy First Ministers, will (notwithstanding other issues) give this report the attention that it deserves.
"Hundreds of Victims and Survivors have waited decades for justice. This Inquiry and the Report, we believe holds the key to that justice.
"Sir Anthony Hart, Chairperson of the Inquiry acknowledged in his statement on Friday both the pain and the courage of those who came forward to give evidence to the Inquiry. We have no reason to doubt that the Report will be a damning indictment of the system and the Institutions that he was charged with investigating.
"There will be no release of the contents of the report until both the First and Deputy First Ministers have reviewed it and Sir Anthony Hart publishes it on the 20th January 2017, just over 7 years after we went to Stormont seeking the Inquiry In November 2009.
"With the exception of the date and venue, there is no further information on the logistics regarding the release of the report and arrangements for engagement with Victims and Survivors throughout the launch process in Belfast on 20th January.
"However the Inquiry team are aware of our need to be informed and consulted about the arrangements and relevant protocols in advance of the release of the HIA Inquiry Report.
"As soon as discussions take place and arrangements are finalised, we will be in a position to answer further questions.
"Survivors (North West) would like to thank all of those who have supported us through this long campaign for Justice. It has been a long road, a road we should never have had to travel, but the end of the Journey to Justice is in sight."