| Call for Perth Archbishop to Give up Pension in Wake of Child Abuse Royal Commission
By David Marchese
ABC News
January 5, 2017
PHOTO: The Archbishop of Perth, Roger Herft, has been urged to give up his church pension. (AAP: Darren Pateman)
A Newcastle lawyer has written an open letter to the retiring Anglican Archbishop of Perth, urging him to forfeit his right to a church pension.
Roger Herft announced he was retiring last month, after previously standing aside to hear evidence at the royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse.
Archbishop Herft admitted to the commission that he let down abuse survivors when he was bishop of Newcastle between 1993 and 2005.
Peter Kelso grew up as a ward of state before becoming a lawyer and now represents victims of abuse making claims against churches and other institutions.
He has written a letter to Archbishop Herft that has now been published online, urging him to "abandon your rights to a church pension".
Mr Kelso said it would send a clear message to abuse survivors that the Archbishop is remorseful.
"The Archbishop will go into retirement with all of the church benefits and so forth," he said.
"If he's truly sorry for what he failed to do in Newcastle, he should be prepared to put his money where his mouth is."
Mr Kelso said many abuse survivors did not believe apologies and wanted to see real action.
PHOTO: Newcastle lawyer Peter Kelso says Archbishop Herft should do more to help clergy abuse survivors. (Supplied: Kelso Lawyers)
"Some sort of redress or compensation directly from Roger Herft to the hurting victims would mean a lot to the victims, in my opinion," he said.
"I've seen that happen myself, when I've negotiated settlements for victims."
Last year, Archbishop Herft told a royal commission hearing in Newcastle that he and the church "failed miserably" in their response to a child abuse complainant.
He admitted he would have been made aware about abuse allegations against one paedophile priest during his time in Newcastle, taking responsibility for not going to police with the information.
Archbishop Herft is currently on leave until he formally retires in July, with a successor expected to be appointed early this year.
The ABC has sought comment from the Anglican diocese of Perth and the Archbishop.
Read Mr Kelso's letter in full:
Dear Bishop Roger,
I am a solicitor in Newcastle. I have lived here since 1984. I act for many survivors of institutional child abuse all around Australia. For a considerable part of my time here you were the Bishop of Newcastle.
You have admitted to the Child Abuse Royal Commission that you let the people of Newcastle down; you failed to protect them from the paedophiles in your church who were abusing the children right under your nose. You received complaints but turned your face away.
You can't even remember the distraught parents who came to see you.
You now realise the gravity of your omissions. It must be dreadful to spend 43 years in 'service' for the Church and retire with such an appalling legacy. You have 'resigned' as you say but truthfully you were nearing retirement anyway, weren't you?
So it's not really a resignation is it?
It's actually a form of voluntary early retirement. I imagine you will be accepting all the benefits of long service and that is what bothers me and prompts me to write to you.
If you are truly remorseful for what you failed to do, will you abandon your rights to a church pension and donate the money you would have received to the victims?
In other words, volunteer to treat yourself as someone who deserves no privileges, as if you were summarily dismissed by your employer?
What are your thoughts on this?
I look forward to your reply.
Yours faithfully,
Peter Kelso