Calgary Roman Catholic Bishop Fred Henry resigns for medical reasons, new bishop appointed
By Bill Kaufmann
Calgary Herald
January 4, 2017
Calgary Roman Catholic Bishop Fred Henry |
Bishop of Peterborough, Most Rev. William McGrattan |
Bishop Fred Henry, Calgary’s outspoken leading Catholic authority for 19 years, has resigned from the Calgary Catholic Diocese due to a severely debilitating case of arthritis.
Pope Francis accepted his resignation and has appointed William Terrence McGrattan, Bishop of the Diocese of Peterborough, as his successor, to be installed Feb. 27 in a ceremony at Calgary’s St. Mary’s Cathedral.
In a letter to Pope Francis dated Feb. 6, 2016, Henry, now 73, expressed his wish to step down due to a form of arthritis known as ankylosing spondylitis (AS), an autoimmune disease that attacks multiple body functions.
“My condition cannot be reversed. I have jokingly said that ‘pain is my best friend, we are always together,’ ” wrote Henry to the pontiff, adding his hearing, mobility and vision have been affected.
“I believe that someone with more energy, stamina and pastoral vision should take over the role of Ordinary for the Diocese of Calgary.”
He said the demands of a growing diocese of 435,000 people, 67 parishes and missions spanning southern Alberta are “enormous . . . I have given it my best and I am past my ‘best due date.’ ”
He’s been named as the diocese’s apostolic administrator until he’s replaced.
Previous to his Calgary stint, Henry served nearly three years as bishop of Thunder Bay.
Henry has served his flock and Albertans well and was a welcome voice for the poor and attacking climate change, said Alberta Environment Minister Shannon Phillips.
“We shared a lot of values, in particular on climate change and on issues of inequality and poverty,” she said.
The outspoken church leader has been a polarizing figure in Alberta — his conservative, faith-based positions on contemporary issues such as same-sex marriage, gender identity and assisted suicide often drew criticism from outside the church, most recently as he butted heads with the NDP over their controversial Bill 10 and gay-straight alliances within schools.
Last year, he was assailed by some parents and members of the LGBTQ community for a letter castigating provincial guidelines that direct schools to fully accommodate LGBTQ students as “dictatorial.”
The letter was widely criticized, characterized by one LGBTQ worker as the “fanatical” position of a church leader “out of touch” with “modern realities faced by youth.”
That stance and other staunch positions have not made life easy for LGBTQ citizens, said Kelly Ernst, executive director of the Calgary Outlink Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity.
“He is someone who has created a whole lot of grief for a whole bunch of people, including gay youth,” said Ernst, who expressed hope in McGrattan’s arrival.
“I’m really hoping that new bishop is open to dialogue with the LGBT community. One of the things Catholic LBGT and Catholic allies say is welcoming LGBT people into your lives and your communities is not in conflict with Catholic teachings.”
To his detractors, Henry was seen as a vocal symbol of wider, outmoded doctrine and won’t be missed, said Rebecca Sullivan, director of the Women’s Studies Program at the University of Calgary.
“We are at an interesting juncture, where the grand old men of the Catholic Church are going quietly into the bleak night they created for themselves,” said Sullivan, who was raised a Catholic.
“I hope Bishop Henry’s resignation is a sign of a brighter future for what Catholicism could stand for, not what Henry has stood for.”
But Henry has also earned kudos for welcoming Mideast refugees and defending the poor, and in 2002, spoke in favour of demonstrators targeting the G-20 Summit held at Kananaskis.
The cleric has also been a “passionate advocate of education” as well as one for the vulnerable, said Dr. Gerry Turcotte, president of St. Mary’s University, of which Henry has been chancellor.
“People have to give him his due as a champion of the poor and homeless, as someone who demonstrates that, not just supports it,” he said.
He can’t be faulted, said Turcotte, for giving voice to often controversial church doctrine.
The NDP government’s Phillips said she accepted disagreements with Henry on LGBTQ students.
“He has to be accountable to his flock and we have to be accountable for the safety of children in the classroom,” she said.
McGrattan, Henry’s 60-year-old successor, has been the bishop of Peterborough since April 2014.
His diocese made headlines last year after a priest became the subject of a police investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct in the 1980s at a summer camp.
Police announced last month they would not lay charges. The diocese, however, was to conduct an internal investigation of its own, one that would include a “comprehensive review of the exercise of responsible priestly ministry,” a diocese spokeswoman told The Peterborough Examiner.
Unlike Henry, McGrattan has been criticized by some church conservatives for comments he made in 2008 tempering opposition to fetal euthanasia, saying such actions must be balanced with the mother’s welfare.
Last year, the Ontario cleric voiced deep concern after Canada’s Supreme Court overturned the ban on physician-assisted suicide.
“Euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide is contrary to the dignity of the human person, to offering true compassion care and to the protection of the vulnerable,” he wrote.
In a statement issued Wednesday, McGrattan said his work in Peterborough that included a focus on education has laid a solid foundation for him to come west.
“This is a new experience for me and along with that there is a sense of excitement and apprehension. I am looking forward to new realities of a growing diocese and a larger city,” he said.
“There is a rich faith tradition in the Diocese of Calgary and I am looking forward to supporting and moving forward the Pastoral priorities.”
His Holiness Pope Francis
Vatican City
Your Holiness
Greetings and prayerful best wishes! I started writing this letter on August 21, 2013. The time has now come to update it and send it to you.
I will celebrate my 73rd birthday on April 11, 2016. I was ordained to the priesthood in 1968 and to the episcopacy in 1986, and have been the Bishop of Calgary since 1998.
After considerable prayer and reflection, I have come to the conclusion that I should step down as Bishop of Calgary and retire in accordance with Canon 401.2.
The principal reason is my medical condition. I suffer from a type of arthritis known as ankylosing spondylitis for which there is no cure. AS is also an autoimmune disease meaning that the body’s immune system becomes confused and begins to “attack” the body. In AS, the joints in the spine are the target of the immune attack resulting in pain and stiffness (inflammation) in the neck and back.
The first symptoms of AS typically start in late adolescence or early adulthood. Although I have suffered from a sore back from my early 20s, it wasn’t until about 35 that I was diagnosed as having this disease. The inflammation of AS usually starts at the base of the spine, where the spine attaches to the pelvis. This inflammation can spread upwards to involve other parts of the spine. As the inflammation continues, new bones form as the body tries to repair itself. As a result, the bones of the spine begin to “grow together” or fuse causing the spine to become very stiff and inflexible. The discs in my lower back ( lumbar region ) and my neck have fused limiting my basic mobility. I can no longer turn my head sideways but must turn the whole upper body to look left or right. In addition, I can’t really look up but have a permanent stoop and my feet are much more familiar to me than the sky.
When the immune system is confused, it can attack other parts of the body than the joints and tendons. Over the years, I have had several bouts of inflammation in my eyes, a condition called uveitis or iritis. These attacks – requiring the taking of two different types of eye drops (atropine and pred forte and sometimes an eye injection ) to deal with the iritis, with good management this is usually short term. I have not had an attack for the last six months – thanks be to God.
It also affects the lungs and the heart. My lung capacity is severely diminished and walking any distance, I am breathing hard after walking only one or two blocks, or climbing stairs is difficult, as is sitting in one position for any length of time.
Although my doctor was concerned about my heart, all the tests turned out negative and my heart condition is comparable to other persons my age. My hearing is also greatly diminished and getting worse.
I have been on the anti-inflammatory drug Naproxen for 37 years and Humera, a new biologic self-injected drug for about 5 and 1/2 years which has brought some pain relief. However, I live with severe chronic pain and stiffness of the spine affecting both posture and daily activity. My condition cannot be reversed. I have jokingly said that “pain is my best friend, we are always together” but it is wearing me out and limiting my ministry.
I believe that someone younger with more energy, stamina and pastoral vision should take over the role of Ordinary for the Diocese of Calgary. The needs of this ever-expanding diocese are enormous. I have given it my best and I am past my “best due date” – it is time to retire. I would like to propose that my retirement take place effective December 31, 2016.
Wishing you all the best, I remain,
Sincerely yours in Christ,
✠ F. B. Henry
Bishop of Calgary