Italian priest 'organised orgies in his rectory, pimped out up to 15 lovers and took them to a naturist and swingers' resort in France'
By Darren Boyle
Daily Mail (UK)
January 3, 2017
Fr Andrea Contin, pictured, has been placed under investigation by Italian police after he was accused of living off immoral earnings and psychological violence against some of his lovers |
Fr Contin was the parish priest in the northern Italian city of Padua, pictured. He is accused of using the rectory attached to San Lazzaro church as the locatoin for the illicit trysts |
An Italian Catholic priest is being investigated by police over claims he has pimped out up to 15 lovers from his rectory and was planning a weekend away at a French swingers resort.
Father Andrea Contin of San Lazzaro church in Padua was investigated after three of his former lovers went to the authorities.
Police raided Fr Contin's home beside the church in the northern Italian city and recovered a stash of home-made pornography as well as a range various sex toys.
According to the Il Mattino di Padova newspaper, Fr Contin is accused of living off immoral earnings and psychological violence.
The priest is believed to have offered the services of the women through a range of wife swapping websites.
He was also planning a weekend away at a French naturist club which welcomed wife swappers.
One 49-year-old woman who had been involved romantically with Fr Contin said: 'There were a lot of women hovering around him. I didn't understand that at first, only later.'
It is understood at least two of the women turned to Fr Contin for help when their marriages collapsed.
Instead of spiritual guidance, the cleric is accused of seducing the women and pressurising them into participating in extreme sexual activities.
One 48-year-old woman has given a statement to police which runs to eight pages outlining several allegations against the priest.
Another claimed: 'It all started with a kiss at the rectory. Then sex at all hours.'