Court Hearing This Week On Compensating Priest Sex Abuse Victims
Voice of Alexandria
December 13, 2016
(Minneapolis, MN) -- Another hearing is set this week in federal court on two proposals for compensating those who've been abused by Catholic priests.
The Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis would set aside 155 million dollars or more for a victims' fund, and attorney Charles Rogers says the church negotiated the best deal it could with its insurers. Victims' attorney Mike Finnegan says the archdiocese is only putting in 16 million dollars of its own money, and the rest comes from its insurance policies. Finnegan says the church has one-point-three billion dollars in assets it can tap, plus one billion dollars in insurance funds that could potentially be available. Survivors and other creditors will vote on the plans, and then a judge will make the final decision.