| Peterborough Priest Cleared of Allegations of Sexual Misconduct: Diocese
By Lois Tuffin
December 5, 2016
Father Bill Moloney. A photo of Father Bill Moloney taken in front of his former St. Anne's Parish in Peterborough in 2012. Father Moloney is being investigated for sexual misconduct involving a boy at Camp Northern Lights in Haliburton.
Parishioners at Immaculate Conception Church broke out in applause on Saturday evening as they learned their parish priest had convinced police he was innocent of allegations of sexual misconduct.
Fr. Bill Moloney had been removed from his post in early November after a complaint was filed to Haliburton OPP about an incident at Camp Northern Lights, where he is the director. However, the police investigation will not result in criminal charges, Fr. Joe Morin announced to the congregation, on behalf of the bishop, on Saturday.
READ MORE about the original announcement at the church in November
The news was a big relief for Shanthi Terence, a parishioner at St. Anne's where Fr. Moloney worked before transferring to Immaculate. She saw half the congregation follow him, especially those with children due to their rapport with the popular priest.
"It's just who he is -- his personality," she says. "He is very sociable, very outgoing. He is very involved in the community. He goes above and beyond."
For example, Fr. Moloney knew her son Adrian was hedging on going to Camp Northern Lights, so he convinced his friend William to attend and encourage Adrian to join him.
"He knows each and every kid's name," Terence says.
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While the criminal investigation is over, Fr. Moloney must pass another hurdle before returning to work.
"The diocese will undertake its own internal investigation," adds Deirdre Thomas, spokesperson for the Peterborough diocese.
"This will happen over the next couple of months. The parishioners were informed to keep them in the loop on how things will unfold."
The internal review will consider the "matters that have arisen recently" and Fr. Moloney's "exercise of responsible priestly ministry," both personal and professional, she says.
READ MORE: Survivors Network pushes diocese to have a thorough investigation
Fr. Moloney will remain on administrative leave until the second investigation concludes. In the meantime, Fr. Peter Seabrook will oversee the parish.
"The parishioners of Immaculate Conception will carry him (Fr. Moloney) in their prayers," Thomas added.