| Former Head of Child Abuse Inquiry Sues Holyrood Ministers
The Times
November 21, 2016
Susan O達rien, QC, has lodged papers at the Court of Session
The former head of the Scottish inquiry into historic child abuse, who resigned in July, is to sue ministers.
Susan O達rien, QC, resigned amid controversy, with John Swinney, the education secretary, later telling MSPs that he had been considering her removal from the post over claims of inappropriate comments about survivors.
The inquiry has been mired in problems since it was set up. Ms O達rien痴 resignation in the summer came shortly after Michael Lamb, a fellow panel member, stood down, blaming government interference.
Ms O達rien has refused to comment on the nature of her action, which emerged after papers were lodged at the Court of Session.
The inquiry is dealing with hundreds of witnesses into claims of abuse in children痴 homes dating back decades.