| Emsworth Church-goers Walk out of Service in Show of Support for Banned Reverend
Chichester Observer
November 21, 2016
The Rev Simon Sayers has issued an apology over his actions 20 years ago
Parishioners and residents of Emsworth have expressed their wholehearted and loving support for Rev Simon Sayers and voiced their ‘immense sadness at his treatment by church authorities’. Rev Simon Sayers resigned as rector of Warblington with Emsworth on Sunday, after the Bishop of Portsmouth’s announcement banning him for five years over an incident of sexual misconduct 20 years ago.
Many members of the congregation walked out of a church service in protest of the announcement. Emsworth resident and church choir member Leslie Grist, said: “Simon has served this parish and town wonderfully over the last 12 years. “He has been kept in limbo for nearly two years. “Now he and his family have lost his income and been told to get out of their home within two weeks. It just seems so harsh and unkind. There is real outrage about this here.” Barry and Eileen Mapley said: “It seems that Simon has been silenced and given no real opportunity to explain his side of the story to the local community and church. It seems very unfair.” Norman and Wendy Peers added: “A lot of people are very upset about how he has been treated. I will certainly be writing to the Bishop and the Archbishop.”