Chicago's archbishop Blase Cupich receives title of cardinal in Rome
By Vikki Ortiz Healy
Chicago Tribune
November 19, 2016
Chicago Archbishop Blase Cupich walks after kneeling before Pope Francis to pledge allegiance and become cardinal during a consistory at St. Peter's Basilica on Nov. 19, 2016. |
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Call him cardinal.
During a service at St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City on Saturday, Chicago's archbishop, Blase Cupich, received the red hat and title of a Roman Catholic cardinal, the church’s most prestigious title next to the papacy.
Dressed in red and white vestments, Cupich knelt before Pope Francis who then placed a four-cornered silk red biretta upon his head and a gold ring upon his right hand, signifying the elevation.
"Today each of you, dear brothers, is asked to cherish in your own heart, and in the heart is the Church, this summons to be merciful like the Father,” Francis told the new cardinals during the service called a consistory. “And to realize that "if something should rightly disturb us and trouble our consciences, it is the fact that so many of our brothers and sisters are living without strength, light and consolation born of friendship with Jesus Christ, without a community of faith to support them, without meaning and a goal in life.”
Installed as archbishop in November 2014, Cupich, 67, received his red hat the day before the church's Year of Mercy ends. The elevation means he will have a vote in future papal elections, while also continuing his role as Chicago's archbishop, overseeing 346 churches and 217 schools.
“My first responsibility is Chicago,” Cupich told reporters afterward. “We have great resources and opportunities, many good things that are happening in Chicago that I want to be a part of.”
“But I’m also not afraid to work with people in taking up the challenges.” added Cupich, who expressed grief about the fatal shooting Friday of U.S. Rep. Danny Davis’ grandson on the South Side.
“It’s heartbreaking to see that happen, and it’s happening time and time again.”
Though this is the first time Francis has named American cardinals, it was no surprise to some that Cupich's name was on the list. Chicago's last six archbishops were named cardinals, and Cupich's star has been on the rise ever since he leapt to the third-largest U.S. archdiocese from the diocese of Spokane, Wash.
Last year, Francis hand-picked Cupich to participate in a worldwide meeting of bishops and cardinals to discuss how to make the church's teachings on marriage, contraception, divorce and homosexuality relevant to contemporary Catholic families.
Then in July, Francis named Cupich to the influential Congregation for Bishops, a Vatican panel that helps vet bishop candidates around the world. At the time, experts said Cupich's appointment indicated the pope's desire to have a key pastoral voice involved in the selection of U.S. church leaders and signaled he was one step closer to becoming a cardinal.
There to witness Cupich's elevation to cardinal in Rome were 200 pilgrims traveling with the Chicago-based Catholic Extension, a national organization dedicated to strengthening poor dioceses in the United States. Mayor Rahm Emanuel also led a delegation of about 80 politicians and business leaders.
"To see him receive this honor, which is deserved because he is who he is, I was feeling a lot of pride for the city,” said the Rev. Lou Tylka, pastor of St. Julie Billiart Catholic Church in Tinley Park.
Businesswoman Wynona Reedmond, a parishioner at St. Agatha on Chicago’s West Side who traveled with Emanuel’s delegation, said she was proud of her archbishop.
"I've been so impressed and excited with him,” she said. “He's just a breath of fresh air."
Emanuel, who is Jewish, said he was moved by the pope’s message to the cardinals.
"All of us have role to play,” Emanuel said. “We should all remember there's no stranger among us. Whoever you are, wherever you are, there no strangers.”