| The Usccb: More of the Same
By Christine Niles
Church Militant
November 17, 2016
New appointments signal little change for the Catholic Church in America
The recent elections of various prelates to top positions at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops means more of the same for American Catholics — which is to say, not much at all. Church Militant earlier reported on the election of Cdl. Daniel DiNardo as new head of the USCCB, who allowed the funeral Mass in his co-cathedral of a public organizer of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (the same affiliate caught on video trading in aborted baby parts) and open gay "marriage" advocate, and the next year allowed the funeral Mass of an openly gay man in a public "marriage" to his male partner.
The USCCB's newly elected vice president is Abp. Jose Gomez of Los Angeles, a man who has done little to clean up the mess left by his predecessor Cdl. Roger Mahony. Gomez oversees the gay and lesbian ministry in his archdiocese, which annually sponsors a gay pride Mass to coincide with the city's gay pride parade. The archdiocesan ministry openly promotes same-sex "marriage," health benefits for same-sex couples and gay-straight alliances in public schools, where children are indoctrinated in gay ideology.
Gomez also presides over the LA Religious Education Congress, notorious for its liturgical abuses, and which has offered transgender workshops where Church teaching on gender ideology is openly questioned. The Congress has also repeatedly invited Fr. Greg Boyle to speak, a dissident priest who is on public record supporting gay "marriage" and female ordination.
At the 2016 closing Mass for the Congress, a male same-sex couple with their adopted son brought up the gifts to the altar. Gomez stopped to bless the little boy before the couple proceeded to the altar.
The appointment of Bp. Joseph Bambera of the Scranton, Pennsylvania diocese to the Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs also bodes ill. Church Militant reported last year that Bambera allowed an interfaith service in St. Peter's Cathedral that, among other things, involved Muslim prayer invoking Allah and praising Muhammed — who denied the divinity of Christ — as "the messenger of God."