Media Advisory: Archdiocese Files Amended Reorganization Plan Contributing Less Than 1% of its Assets
By Jeff Anderson
Jeff Anders& Associates
November 15, 2016
[with video]
Jeff Anderson to Respond to Plan at 2:30PM
Press Conference Today in Minneapolis
The amended plan also lets the Archdiocese’s insurance
companies off the hook and significantly undervalues their exposure
Archdiocese First Amended Disclosure Statement
Archdiocese First Amended Plan of Reorganization
Brownell Affidavit
Declaration of Benjamin Gurstelle
WHAT: At a news conference today in Minneapolis, Attorneys Jeff Anderson and Mike Finnegan will:
• Discuss the details of the amended bankruptcy reorganization plan filed today by the Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis;
• Demand the Archdiocese uphold its pledge made to sexual abuse survivors to be transparent and accountable throughout the bankruptcy proceedings.
WHEN: Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 2:30PM
WHERE: Outside the United States District Courthouse – Minneapolis
300 South Fourth Street
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Contact Jeff Anderson: Office/651.318.2650 Cell/612.817.8665
Contact Mike Finnegan: Office/651.318.2650 Cell/612.205.5531