| Archbishop Byrnes Not an Outsider
By Haidee V Eugenio
Pacific Daily News
November 9, 2016
Archbishop Michael Byrnes
Archbishop Savio Hon Tai Fai said newly appointed coadjutor archbishop for Guam’s Catholic church, the Rev. Michael Jude Byrnes, should never be considered an “outsider” as some people consider him to be.
“Archbishop Byrnes may not be given, in one instance, ‘infused’ knowledge of every detail of our island but he is generally informed about the current situation of the local Church and is ready, as expressed humbly by himself, to learn more from the people of God on Guam, whether they be clergy, religious, or lay,” Hon said in a Nov. 3 congratulatory message to Byrnes.
As coadjutor archbishop, Byrnes has rights to succeed Archbishop Anthony S. Apuron, who is facing a canonical trial at the Vatican over multiple allegations of sex abuse of altar boys in Agat in the 1970s.
Pope Francis appointed Byrnes on Oct. 31. Up until his appointment as coadjutor archbishop, Byrnes was auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Detroit.
Guam will be Byrnes’ first assignment outside of Detroit, Michigan. Within days of his appointment, some individuals had already voiced their opinion about Byrnes being an “outsider.”
Hon, who temporarily administered the Catholic church on Guam since the pope relieved Apuron of his administrative duties on June 6, said the Catholic faithful are grateful to the pope for Byrnes’ appointment and also to Byrnes for accepting the appointment.
“As instructed, Archbishop Byrnes has all the faculties, rights and obligations of the Archbishop of Agana, civilly and ecclesiastically, without any exception,” Hon said in a statement extending warmest welcome to Byrnes. “One is never a bishop on one’s own, but always and only in the College of Bishops.”
Byrnes, in a phone interview, said he brings with him to Guam an open heart, ears that are ready to listen, a leadership that will work together with the faithful on island, and to help in the healing of the church. He said the great task of a priest is to “give Jesus to the world” and he said he has taken that to heart as a priest and as a bishop.
Hon assured that Byrnes will certainly be in the prayers of the Catholic faithful on Guam.
“In principle, the real program of governance of every bishop is not to do his own will, not to pursue his own ideas, but to listen, together with the Church, to the word and the will of the Lord, to be guided by Him, so that He himself will lead the Church at this hour of our history,” Hon said.
Hon’s mandate as apostolic administrator ended with the pope’s appointment of Byrnes to succeed Apuron. Hon will be going back to Rome, where, as current secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, he is responsible for the Catholic Church’s missionary work and related activities.
Archbishop Hon Savio Tai Fai addresses clergy and other Catholic faithfuls during a prayer gathering at the Saint Anthony and Saint Victor Catholic Church in Tamuning on June 9. (Photo: PDN file photo)
However, for smooth transition of the local pastoral leadership, the pope asked Hon to stay and continue the daily administration of the church until Byrnes comes to Guam and takes possession of his office.
Byrnes will also arrive on Guam during the Nov. 19 to Dec. 8 celebrations of the closing of the Jubilee year of Mercy and the 50th anniversary of the Archdiocese of Agana.
“Archbishop Byrnes will be among us towards the end of November and will lead us to close one chapter and to open another. Dear Brothers and Sisters, let us be thankful for the coming of Archbishop Byrnes. Let us be one in Christ,” Hon said.
Byrnes’ appointment also comes at a time when Guam’s large Catholic church is facing controversies such as the multiple priest sex abuse allegations against Apuron, a multimillion-dollar property dispute and disagreements between different factions of the church over how to worship.
Byrnes said he was involved in the actual removal of a priest from office over sex abuse allegations in Detroit, has been in communication with Hon on the Redemptoris Mater Seminary property, and is aware of the Neocatechumenal Way.
The Illinois-based Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, or SNAP, the world’s largest and oldest network of clergy abuse survivors, said while it has apprehensions about the selection of someone totally removed from the current situation to be Apuron’s likely successor, this also means the archbishop’s office can have a “fresh start,” with less of a chance of cronyism and/or loyalty to Apuron and his past actions.
Contact: heugenio@guampdn.com