Influential cardinal now heads the Newark Archdiocese | Faith Matters
By Alexander Santora
Jersey Journal
November 8, 2016
Indianapolis Archbishop Joseph W. Tobin, soon to be a cardinal, will lead the Archdiocese of Newark, replacing Archbishop John J. Myers. |
As cardinal-elect Joseph W. Tobin entered the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart for his press conference on Monday, you couldn't help but notice that he is a hulk of a man akin to a fullback with a broad, strong face. And this physical trait might have served him well as the oldest of 13 children.
It might also have convinced his high school homeroom teacher back in Detroit not to recommend him for entrance into the Redemptorists because he believed he was a "hoodlum," according to Tobin. And that's more incredible knowing that he rose to become the General Superior of the worldwide community in Rome from 1997 to 2009 with over 6,000 priests and brothers serving in 77 countries.
Now he has become the sixth Archbishop of Newark and the first ever as a Cardinal, which is quite intriguing since usually New York and Philadelphia always overshadowed New Jersey. Until now. He is certainly cut from the same cloth as Pope Francis, and Tobin admitted they had become friends for over ten years when they both served on a Vatican Synod back in 2005.
Admitting that Francis did not talk with him before the appointment, he did say of Francis, "He is a bishop. He is my teacher." And, one of the key reasons he may have come to New Jersey is because it is part of the media capital of the world. He can and will certainly articulate Francis' policies and vision, especially to a U.S. hierarchy mostly reluctant to embrace Francis' ecclesiology.
And to flesh it out among the four counties that comprise Newark and its 1.5 million Catholics. Though Indianapolis, where he has served four years, is larger geographically with 39 counties, it has one fifth of the population in half the number of churches or parishes.
Back there, they are sad Tobin is leaving. "I was shocked but not really. People said we can't hold on to him longer," said Rev. Steve Jarrell, pastor of Christ the King Church in Indianapolis. He said Tobin won over the entire archdiocese. He formed an archdiocesan pastoral council with priests, deacons, religious, and laity. He also "energized the priests' council," said Jarrell.
Tobin admitted Monday that he is strong on consultation and that would help him create a vision for Newark, as well. He also considers his vocation to be a shepherd. When asked about welcoming women into leadership and acceptance for gays, he referred to the pallium, a swatch of white wool that an archbishop wears on his liturgical vestments. "I feel called to look for the one who is lost and call them back."
Prior to coming back to the states, Tobin served as the Vatican Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life in the Vatican when it undertook a visitation of orders of Women Religious in the U.S. and an investigation into the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR). By most accounts, the Vatican caved to pressure from conservative members of the U.S. hierarchy and the process drew wide criticism. Tobin was credited for ameliorating the situation. That U.S. nuns love him is an understatement. "I always followed him," said Sr. Ascenza Tizzano, M.P.F., the provincial superior of the Religious Teachers Filippini in Morristown. "He is so pastoral. I am so excited for the Archdiocese."
That same sentiment was evident after the press conference. Hundreds of priests, religious, lay people and chancery staff had gathered to see and hear Tobin. The word I heard the most was "hopeful."
Tobin's pastoral background as a pastor, chancery official, and vicar in Detroit has served him well. He speaks four languages fluently, including Spanish which he spoke easily to some reporters at the press conference, and reads others. He also has focused on young adult ministry back in Indiana, which is critical in today's church where millennials are not affiliating in greater numbers than ever before. He has to come to Hoboken where he'll even find Indianans, like Madeline Schrock, and others who defy the trend.
Later on Monday, priests gathered at the Cathedral for a meet and greet and I experienced something Jarrell said is a Tobin trademark: when he's talking with you, he listens intently. "He will look at you as if you're the only person in the room." I was the second one to meet him and Jarrell called it correctly. Now I know his winning formula: win over one person at a time.