Our view: Bizzarro is best candidate for 3rd District
November 2, 2016
If effective governing is ever to return to Pennsylvania, it will be thanks to reasonable, broad-minded legislators who are smart, independent and focused on the good of their constituents and the commonwealth, not rigid ideology or special interests.
That candidate in the 3rd Legislative District is Democratic incumbent Ryan Bizzarro of Millcreek Township.
As the crippling, nearly nine-month state budget impasse threatened to shut down schools, Bizzarro put political self-interest aside, and with one other young state representative, met in private with Republican House Majority Leader David Reed. They hammered out a deal to break the logjam. Bizzarro in March joined just 13 other Democrats to cross party lines and vote with Republicans to end the impasse.
"I think every legislator has a personal commitment to the region they represent and they should vote accordingly," he said. "Morally it was the right thing to do."
There was, he said, hell to pay from party leadership and Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf, whose staff suddenly deflected calls. Bizzarro, not cowed, signed a letter that called out the bullying.
Bizzarro is seeking his third term in office in a contest that pits him against a veteran local politician, Republican Greg Lucas of Edinboro. Lucas, a former borough councilman and mayor in Edinboro, served one two-year term in the state House from 2012 to 2014 before losing his 5th District seat due to redistricting. He then ran unsuccessfully for the state Senate.
Lucas, a 56-year-old construction manager and educator, presents as a common-sense candidate with priorities that align with the area's needs: jobs and stronger career education.
He has also been a proponent of regionalization, an approach that looks beyond fiefdoms for opportunities to merge government services and save tax dollars. More of that thinking is needed.
But Bizzarro represents a new, independent breed of politician who could help restore rational governance in Harrisburg.
"I am more than willing to extend the olive branch to the other side to find common ground where we can find language both sides can agree on," he said.
Bizzarro joined the Erie delegation that advocated for emergency funding that closed the Erie School District's 2015-16 budget shortfall. But he is also careful to guard the interests of his constituents in the Millcreek Township and General McLane school districts.
A principled, independent streak is also seen in his courageous support for legislation that would extend the statute of limitations for victims of sex abuse by clergy and others to sue private institutions that employed the abusers.
We further find ourselves in agreement with Bizzarro's moderate approach to tax, school funding and pension reform.
"I think government works. I just think you need the right people in there representing the people," he said.
That person in the 3rd District is Bizzarro.