| Bishop Mcdevitt Teacher Faces More Than 200 Counts
October 20, 2016
A Harrisburg teacher faces more than 230 counts of institutional sexual assault, sexual abuse of children, unlawful contact with minors, dissemination of obscene materials and corruptions of minors.
Authorities say 33-year-old Randi Lynn Zurenko of Millerstown, Perry County, cultivated inappropriate relationships with two female Bishop McDevitt High School students while she was a teacher at the school.
Police say the inappropriate relationships lasted from 2013 until last Friday.
Police say Zurenko coaxed her first victim to Fort Hunter Park in Susquehanna Township and took off the student’s bra. That student has since graduated.
Investigators say Zurenko’s relationship with victim two, a current student, was more sexual. They said they found naked pictures of that student on Zurenko’s phone.
"Many of the charges relate to what we can sexual abuse of children or child pornography whenever anyone is taking photographs of someone who is under 18 years of age," Dauphin County Deputy District Attorney Sean McCormack.
The DA’s office is worried there may be more victims.
Police say, Zurenko admitted to providing both victim #1 and victim #2 alcohol.
Bishop McDevitt placed Zurenko on immediate leave and released the following statement:
It is with great sadness that Bishop McDevitt High School has learned that criminal charges have been filed against staff member Mrs. Randi Zurenko, a Social Studies teacher. School administrators were advised by authorities on October 18, 2016, of the existence of an investigation into an allegation of an improper relationship with a student.
In keeping with Diocesan policy Mrs. Zurenko was immediately placed on administrative leave while civil authorities continued their investigation.
Actions which are criminal in nature or are deemed a risk to student safety will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. This is required by Diocesan policy.
Bishop McDevitt High School encourages the reporting of all suspected child abuse to civil authorities via the State Childline at 1-800-932-0313. For assistance in healing we encourage reporting to the Diocesan Victim’s Assistance Coordinator. That can be done confidentially via telephone at 1-800-626-1608 or email: ReportAbuse@hbgdiocese.org.
Read more from the Dauphin County’s DA’s office:
"Detectives from the Dauphin County District Attorney’s Criminal Investigation Division this afternoon arrested Randi Lynn Zurenko, 33, of Millerstown, Perry County. Zurenko was charged with Institutional Sexual Assault (13 counts total), Sexual Abuse of Children (153 counts total), Unlawful Contact with Minors (33 counts total), Dissemination of Obscene Materials to a Minor (20 counts) and Corruption of Minors (13 counts total).
Between January 1, 2013 and October 14, 2016, Zurenko cultivated inappropriate relationships with two separate Bishop McDevitt High School students while she was a teacher at the school. Victim #1 graduated from the school in 2013. Prior to victim #1’s graduation, Zurenko engaged in behavior that led to an encounter between the two at Fort Hunter In Susquehanna Township. During this encounter, Zurenko massaged victim #1’s back and undid the victim’s bra. On several occasions, both before and after victim #1’s graduation, Zurenko provided alcohol to victim #1 who was underage at all times during these incidents. Victim #1 was interviewed by police on October 17 and 18, 2016.
Beginning in early 2015, Zurenko began a relationship with another student, victim #2. This relationship continued until October 14, 2016. Zurenko engaged in multiple sexual acts with victim #2. Zurenko also photographed victim #2 in various stages of undress as well took photographs of herself and victim #2 having sexual relations. Zurenko also sent victim #2 nude ’selfie’ photos. Detectives seized Zurenko’s phone and other electronic devises and found numerous nude photographs of the victim. The sexual encounters with victim #2 took place at various locations to include Swatara Township, Fort Hunter in Susquehanna Township, parking lots near Union Deposit and Rutherford Roads in Lower Paxton Township, Zurenko’s home in Perry County and at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The last sexual encounter occurred this past Friday on October 14, 2016. victim #2 was interviewed by police on October 18, 2016.
On October 18, 2016, detectives interviewed Zurenko. During the course of the interview Zurenko admitted to providing both victim #1 and victim #2 alcohol while they were students at Bishop McDevitt. She also admitted that, while employed as a teacher at Bishop McDevitt High School, she had a sexual relationship with victim #2, a current student at the school. Zurenko also admitted to taking nude photographs of victim #2.
Upon being advised of the investigation on October 18th, officials at Bishop McDevitt High School immediately placed Zurenko on administrative leave. The school cooperated fully with detectives investigating these incidents. This case was investigated by Sgt. Todd Johnson, Detective John O’Connor, with assistance from Cpl. Autumn Lupey of the Lower Paxton Police Department and Officer Pete Fure currently employed by the Derry Township Police Department.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective John O’Connor at 780-6432. Press inquiries should be referred to Chief Deputy District Attorney Sean McCormack."